Simon Phearson

I am hoping and praying that, at some point, the people responsible for programming decide not to cover Trump's completely self-serving public appearances like this. We know enough about the man by now to expect him to spend a great deal of time complaining about his coverage, about the very unfair treatment his

Demonstrating, I suppose, the long and respected tradition of finding humor in your political opponents' meeting with their comeuppance.

I think you're delusional about the moral character of people who gleefully refer to themselves as "deplorable."

That's commendable, but it avoids the question, doesn't it?

Imagine that he wasn't a notable genocide enthusiast, but rather a hipster trust-fund douchebag talking about his performance art. Same haircut. Gets walloped out of nowhere for being a fucking pussy.

What, specifically, did Obama do to "open our borders to all comers?" How is this not an extremely disingenuous description of Obama's immigration policy? Under Obama, deportations went up, the Mexican-born population in the U.S. stabilized, and net Mexican migration turned negative. The only "positive" thing I can

I certainly can't think of anything better to do in this sub-thread than police the use of the word "retard."

This is physical assault.

Like I said, I think there's a contingent of alt-Righters who are not actually white supremacists. I think they goad the white supremacists along, for their own purposes, but I think their motivations are distinct.

Personally, I'd like to buy as many of his books as possible and dump them in a hole somewhere, documenting the whole thing as a made-for-YouTube stunt. That's how you combat this troll.

I think the alt-Right phenomenon is a bit more complex than that. I don't think it's right to lump them together with arch social conservatives or neo-Nazis; I think these are different constituencies with different motivations and sensibilities.

You're exactly right. The old chestnut about free and open debate is perfectly fine, but it assumes that you're dealing with people who want to engage in good faith discussion.

I think they'll buy his book, in order to support him. But they won't read it.

Milo doesn't care if you buy the book, just like Ann Coulter giving talks at university campuses doesn't care if she changes any minds. It's about the status symbol. Milo wants to be a "published author"; he wants to have a publishing house's seal of legitimacy on a volume of dreck he'll cough up when he's not busy

The way I view the environmental puzzles is that they challenge the game's apparent internal logic. Like, you're spending all of your "in game" time staring at panels; suddenly you realize you're (in real life) drawing similar lines on your (i.e., real-world) screen, with these environmental puzzles. You're doing the

I agree with you. Nothing essential is behind the out-of-order doors. They are just shortcuts or hiding special secrets. And I think they serve a kind of meta-tutorial purpose, insofar as they teach you the difference between a puzzle that's there to teach you a lesson and a puzzle that you just don't have the

I think I know what puzzle you're talking about. I do think it's there as a kind of "troll" for completionists. Because the game really isn't about completion. It's about the way that you engage the game. If you're open to doing what the puzzle requires, then have at it. But if it just frustrates you to have it there,

No, the puzzles in the Witness are not "I am the SMRT" puzzles. Maybe some of the color-theory puzzles, but generally, no.

Not to criticize, but it's kind of obvious from the review that you haven't played the games, because you're taking issue with several plot points that are elementary and, by now, more or less subsumed features of the bizarre AC universe.

No, you're behaving like an asshole. You've come in here, charging like a white knight, taking me to task for trying to disagree with them rationally. You're not getting feminist brownie points for doing this, buck-o. You're just a tool.