Sleigh-mon Jenkin

I assumed he made her cum

No. I mean Raspberries and Elvin Bishop. Rupert Holmes, for fucks sake.


Yeah, people will go nuts for mediocre 70s music if you put it in the soundtrack of a mostly-good action film pretending to be a sci-fi throwback

It says "he had suicidal thoughts after just hearing about the alleged sexual assault, which forced him to deal with his own past abuse."

Tig was interviewed in the guardian a few months ago & I can't remember whether Tig or the journalist brought it up but Tig *really* wasn't very happy with some comments Amy made in a magazine, nor was she very happy with the way Amy talked about Tig's cancer ordeal in general.

Tbe special may not be the funniest comedy special (or even *his* funniest special) but it's a lot better than some of the specials that have been released by his peers of a similar age. I don't know if that's because he'd taken some time off or if it's because he toured it more extensively or whatever it is. But I

I read that as "the more lawyers you peel away"

"You wouldn't have even won the Republican nomination if wasn't for Shrek!"

REAPER! That was it. Reaper. Which, as TV show names go, sounds far too much like "Raper".

I seem to remember him directing the first episode of that series where the guy's parents sold his soul to the devil and so he has to work as a demon-catcher person? I can't remember the name of it but the show was dumb as hell and I think only lasted one series but maybe two? Anyone know what I'm talking about before

Is there a barista in the house because this roast just got dark!

He was more the ELO to Norm's Beatles

They could make fun of the fact that no one watched it.


Norm's bit is still the high bar, but Andy Samberg at the James Franco roast came close. Roastafari, you bunch of Kenny Rogers chickens

It strikes me as an apology that someone insisted he make. In a "we would like this studio to continue having a good relationship with bankable actress Keira Knightly so get out there and grovel" kind of way.

You had me at radio show cum podcast

Noooo, but that would mean a Star Wars film would feature crappy writing, and that can't be possible, right…?

Oh wait, no. that was Jedi, wasn't it?