Sleigh-mon Jenkin

Before the death star run the rebellion lady (basically the only other woman in the original trilogy) says "a shit-ton of Bothans died to bring us this information" (I'm paraphrasing)

It's a film about some people who die for an important cause. Just how light do they want the tone to be!? Especially when that important cause is technically terrorism.


Why in the world did Bart Simpson have a thigh gap?

What about "Bette & I used to own a racehorse together. Kruddler!"
That has to be the episode I've watched the most & I only got that like last year (the joke being that if you switch how they combined their names you get "Misty", an obviously better name for a horse).

"I'm Dick Tracy! Take that, Prune Face! Now I'm Prune Face! Take that, Dick Tracy! Now I'm Prune Tracy! Take that Dic…"

Because 90s

4 of the top 10 were from the 1990s. That's 4 from a period of 10 years & only 6 from the following 15. Not to mention the fact the actual top 2 entries were from the 1990s

"That might be the most important visual gag of the evening."

I hadn't even heard of "Watch Me Whip". I'm usually sort of up on these things but that completely passed me by.

If the entire season was just clips of Caitlyn Jenner running people over in her car I'd still have rated it an A.

Of these 10, Las Vegas is the one which made me cry with laughter but Goodnight Gracie just plain made me cry. Alex reading out that note for some reason just packs the kind of emotional punch that hits me right in the heartstrings.