
You’re a bald faced liar! A fucking liar!

Hey, I’m cooperating here!

You should bust into the basement, armed,  and set them free.

Yeah but that Trucoat is installed at the factory

There’s not really “evidence” so much as a different story.

the tail rotor in that diagram isn’t even in the red. 

I like the line in the quoted article, “...the 22-year-old former public schoolboy...”

You took a private helicopter from a resort island back to the mainland in order to catch a private flight home?

Good lord.

Engineers are off eating paste and blowing shit up somewhere in the background i assume

This meme is making the frogs gay

The meme is literally for the dumbs that think education is the stepping stone to becoming a commie pinko gay trans bathroom licker.  

Dremel with a wire brush is one of the only things I have found will clean that black stuff off chrome tips.

I’m fine. Working full time, 99% self sufficient, the only I don’t handle on my own is lawn maintenance.   

I can top that - a company I worked for many decades ago hired a marketing/graphic design company to evaluate their logo for an update and the result of their $3M evaluation was that they should leave it exactly as it is.

Good lord this comment app is terrible, how it posted one response to two different people is beyond me.

Wow.......I feel sorry for you but as I work in marketing this does not surprise me in the slightest. The really sad part is that small change probably required 6-12 months of discussions to get everyone to agree on the change. 

The Miura budget is short about million dollars