
Surprised Audi didn’t want to charge a monthly sub to use the screen!

I can’t believe a manual fold away mech hasn’t been invented or utilised.

I must also advise that calling it Trump Airport - in the rest of the English speaking world, trump = fart.

Can we suggest the Al Capone Airport instead? He was less of a crook.

Fatphobic? I said it would be difficult to make her look good as her point was they made her look bad. She obviously acknowledged that and lost weight for looks and health. Which I applaud. I don’t hate fat people at all.

Just had a quick scan of your other comments, what is your fascination with people’s penises?

She could have said no to the outfits chosen.

Her point was they made her look bad with the outfits they chose for her, how is my point mean? She knew she was hugely overweight and changed her lifestyle. I’m impressed she lost so much weight.

Awesome name calling. 10/10.

I’m not sure how you could dress her and look good. She’s taken steps to lose weight and looks a lot better now. 

amen to that

Can you turn all the screens off other than the speedo?

True, but Henry Ford died in 1947. Clive Palmer was born in 1954...!

Mid-West, mum stays at home, 3 kids. Wholesome. Saying please and thank you. Wearing a belt. Essentially being a 1950s family.

Why does woke/vaccines even come up when you’re talking about building a ship? Such a strange culture that’s been created.

So they’ve got a ton of them at some port somewhere they need to shift and they’re just a little too weird to look at for most tastes. But at $239 a month for a pure commuter is an amazing deal.

I just can’t wrap my head around paying that much for a car every month.

This is priced purely so some idiot on YouTube buys it to make 1 video.

Heard my neigbours saying they were paying $1195 a month for their new Lexus RX, I don’t understand that sort out finance deal. But at least it’s a vehicle that’s known for reliability (generally).

so the sweet spot is 21 years then do a runner south of the border?