
I consider anyone who doesn't remember life before the internet to be some kind of new post-millenial generation I want nothing to do with.

As has been mentioned, by actually biting the bullet and making a film you're already putting yourself well ahead of most people who want to. Having read many of your comments I already know you have the passion and knowledge to do something like this, as much of a cliche as it is, just believing in yourself and what

Kicking and Screaming is the one that means the most to me, probably because I first watched it on the verge of my own graduation. Not to mention any film that makes good use of Chris Eigeman immediately earns my good will.

I for one am absolutely delighted that Baumbach seems to have turned back to the style of his earlier work. And the more I read about Mistress America the more I feel the itch to re-watch Mr. Jealousy and Highball (because it seems people have forgotten he's already made a screwball comedy).

Well played.


Godzilla's a film where I completely understand where people are coming from when they criticize it, but the sheer number of moments like that one which made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up mean I just don't care.

I'd argue The Cable Guy, Zoolander and Tropic Thunder are all easily better than Reality Bites.

I associate with Wirt's story way too much.

Holy shit the so ridiculously bad it might actually be good leaked script was real.

Nintendo, Naughty Dog… and I'm out.

El-P - "Dead Disnee"
Spoon - "Finer Feelings"
The Beach Boys - "California Girls"
The dB's - "She's Not Worried"
Autre Ne Veut - "Counting"
Kate Bush - "Under Ice"
Wild Flag - "Black Tiles"
Joyce Manor - "Fuck Koalacaust"
Beastie Boys - "Hold It Now, Hit It"

I never get when people complain about scientific accuracy/realism (or the lack of it) on a show about a thousand year old possibly immortal time travelling alien.

I think you get the best experience from Year Walk if you download the companion app and make an effort to get a grip with everything that's going on (and get the real ending).

Few days late, but there have been a few hidden clues through the series suggesting Stan has a twin brother called Stanley. I would guess he's stuck in one of the other dimensions.

They've still spent a fraction of the money of the other clubs. Arsenal splurged on Ozil this year and Liverpool didn't spend much, but I'd be willing to bet Liverpool have spent much more overall on their team. Arsenal's main problem this year was they didn't spend enough; a top class striker and defensive midfielder

I think the FA cup and 4th place has to be considered a success for Arsenal after all the time they've spent trophy-less and the fact they very nearly missed out on 4th, not to mention how little they've spent compared to most of the teams around them.

I thought it was fairly obvious, at least from Jack and Will's ice fishing conversation, that they were in on the long con together.

The lie detector test refusal was Mia's. Woody took one,

One of my favourite parts of the show is the way it balances the darkness with some great dry humour. I will never not laugh at one of Hannibal's cannibalism double entendres.