
I'm of the opinion that this is a genuine Nintendo classic which can stand beside the likes of Mrio 64 etc., as is the sequel. It's great to see it finally starting to get the love it deserves after a few years of being unfairly forgotten.

I can't imagine this isn't something everyone involved knew was going to happen anyway.


I misread "praying" as "partying", and THAT is a movie I would be first in line for.

All of this sounds fantastic.

He's like current Bob Dylan. While he might not be on top of his game, he's over his slump and still putting out the odd worthwhile piece of work.

If you really want to go hardcore you should just play "Hospice" from start to finish.

Personally, and I like JonTron, I think towards the end of his GG run it started becoming increasingly like a typical obnoxious Let's Play. There's only so much I can take of "AAARIIIIIIIIIIIN" every 10 seconds, and I think he just wasn't into it any more.


I actually watched Margot recently on your recommendation (it was the only Baumbach I hadn't seen, despite being a huge fan) and man is that film funny. For me it doesn't quite have the same complex emotional core as his best stuff, but parts of it had me really cracking up.

Listen Up Philip
Blue Valentine
It's Such a Beautiful Day

I've been to see It Follows twice, and you're definitely right about how you notice the way people walk around afterwards. The main theme I got from the film was of lost innocence, that part of your life where sex becomes a real, sometimes scary, thing, and you become more aware of your own inevitable mortality.

Take the Money and Run definitely isn't the best of Allen's early films, but damn if that Cello gag at the beginning doesn't get me every time.

My first ball/prom in med school was pretty eventful. I have perfect memory up to a certain point and then… vomiting, lots of vomiting. I don't think I actually had to buy a single drink because I just hoarded all the leftover wine from peoples' tables.

"What was he like?"
"Kinda funny lookin'"

*runs naked from tennis club front door"

That's what I suspect deep down too. The one thing giving me hope is they MUST know what people are going to be thinking, surely?

If this is all some kind of sick joke I'm going to literally murder someone.

Anyone else see Adam Pally guest hosting the Late Late Show? It was the most beautiful of disasters.

There are adults that were born in 1997. I might as well already be dead.