
The one thing I thought was that a cheek shot isn't necessarily going to kill him unless it's angled to go through the brain stem. I'd love it if he's still alive, Chilton's turned into my favourite character.

One of us, one of us, one of us…

"Why does Hannibal, the largest character, not simply… oh"

It's unfair how both that and "Kicking & Screaming" seem to have been forgotten in relation to his later films, they're both great.

I've not seen this, but I love me some first phase Baumbach, so I'll have to give it a watch soon. I'd like to see him acting in a larger role too, his cameo was possibly the funniest part of Mr. Jealousy.

The number of walk outs just cemented my love of it, if anything.

I'm from the same village as the girl, and supposedly she is NOT single so… Franco's not the only one who's in trouble.

When I went to see it at least four people walked out and the guy beside me kept checking his phone.

I read that comment in Gina's voice.

I'm fine with them just playing the numbers game, it's the fact they completely refuse to accept there even are any other factors and will openly mock and deride anyone who brings them up that irritates me.

I'm Gazorpazorpfuckingfield bitch.

Drive and Blue Valentine are both genuine classics, and anyone who disagrees deserves to have their heads stomped in an elevator in slow motion.

The jacket was a big part of what the movie meant, and a fairly obvious bit of symbolism I'm surprised so many people missed. At a key point in the film, The Driver tells the story of the scorpion and the frog:

It seems like Hannibal's inclusion on Sonia's list is based entirely on a synopsis of the pilot.

I really like Darjeeling, but I would still say it's probably his weakest film, at least since Bottle Rocket. I can see why some people would hate it, he's practically baiting his detractors in some parts.

They were both great consoles but looking back on it the SNES catalogue wins hands down. Super Mario World, Link to the Past, Super Metroid, F-Zero, Mario Kart, Pilotwings, Secret of Mana, Mega Man X, Final Fantasy III/VI, Yoshi's Island, Chrono Trigger, Star Fox, SF2T, Super Mario RPG… I could go on for hours.

My introduction to gaming was a Sega Saturn and a copy of Sonic Jam. Beating Sonic 3 & K for the first time is probably still my proudest achievement.

I love myself some Queen, but I think they're almost the definition of a (great) singles band.

It's not bullshit, it's first hand information from close friends and family members involved with these kinds of cases week in week out. It's not something that excuses the fact that, yes, many many also go completely unreported, but false allegations are made all the time, not even necessarily out of spite.

And many people have been falsely accused of sexual assault, even child abuse, before. The idea that assumption of guilt should be the standard stance is really dangerous.