
I also love it, but I also wish they'd never fully revealed the monster.

The thing is "Diane Young" is supposed to sound like "dying young", but they thought "Dying Young" would probably be too depressing a song title.

The rhythm section really is their secret weapon.

Reading any article about their creative process would tell someone their music is anything but lazy.

"Hannah Hunt" is not is not just the best VW song, but one of the best songs of all time.

@avclub-f16ba6f00bce15507c766cd5e8057728:disqus And they've been dropping hints all over the place in interviews about being "pretty confident it will come back" etc.

@avclub-b20754d0f1e8ae843e00a8b39a667112:disqus If it wasn't someone close to the Doctor or Clara I don't think he would have rushed directly to save them, he would have most likely been more pragmatic and concentrated on dealing with the cybermen.

I don't understand people talking about how the children were unnecessary.

In my view they should cut the group stages out of the CL and reduce the overall number of teams getting places.

I certainly think the FA Cup winner should get a CL place, I also think there should be fewer than 4 places. I think it's quite sad to see teams content with finishing 3rd/4th every year and not winning anything.

God's own county.

Dark hair and blue eyes = *drools, retreats to bunk*

I loved it, definitely one of my favourite films from last year. The Shining comparison in the description isn't too far off in that it is very much about slowly building a sense of dread and unease than getting "scares".

Well that's why you're the judge and I'm just a law… talking guy.

"Did you use protection?"

Revealing Jasper's surname? Oh you bet your ass that's a paddlin'.

But there are also some people who seem determined to roam all of these comment sections declaring that every one of these episodes is the worst instalment of anything ever and anyone who disagrees is wrong and lying to themselves.

@avclub-2b1488ea4f41f775d267fd910480d14a:disqus 20 going on 21.

808s is underrated in my opinion, give it another listen.

Apparently it used to be a Saturday morning tradition for my dad to watch Muppet Babies with his cereal. He's less awesome now.