
With movies like this though I don't actually care whether the plot is interesting or even makes any sense, that's just a bonus, if it can build tension and deliver its scares well I'll probably go and see it.

It was a great show through it's first 11 seasons, and the period of 3 through 9 is when it was the best TV show ever.

@avclub-4acd793a645f227d84ddb7c4c3f16603:disqus It was certainly the point where it started going downhill (you could probably point to the start of season 12 as the moment the show jumped the shark, if you're really desperate to do that), but in my opinion they were still putting out great episodes relatively

BBT isn't half the show Friends was in it's heyday. I've been forced to sit through a decent handful of BBT episodes by friends and I think I smiled about twice in total. Friends was pretty generic and was never particularly adventurous, but it was pretty consistently funny, the writing was always sharp and the cast

Between Archer and Bob'e Burgers the answer is Gravity Falls.

Doesn't Gravity Falls have a couple of golden age Simpsons writers?

seasons 1-11 = heyday
seasons 3-9 = golden era

It was really more of a half naked buffet party.

Of course. The way I saw it was that they were more like zombies in the traditional sense in that their personalities didn't exist any more, but I like your version better.

In what way was Clara wanting to kill herself? The idea is that the monsters were the versions of them who'd died by being trapped in the reactor (with the whole cells liquefying skin burning stuff). Unless I've completely missed your point.

The brothers knocked it down from an A to an A- for me. They were a major part of the episode for so little time it was hard for them to ruin it for me.

Of course, on the other hand, by using Kickstarter he's already proved there's a market for his film (making it easier for it to get distribution) and drummed up a much larger amount of publicity for the project than it would ever have received otherwise. Also putting $2m of his own money into it would just set it up

"This … is the knees of nothing" is my new go to insult.

So you've only listened to Crown on the Ground then?

I laughed out loud when it just started staring at him, waiting to be rescued.

*accidentally pours alcohol down shirt, does cry*

*sits alone in living room chugging bottle of orange wkd, desperately tries to avoid crying and think of witty comeback*

The AV Club

HA! Joke's on you AV Club because I don't have a wife OR girlfriend! Looks like ol' Simon21-lufc gets the last laugh this time.

I'm a couple of years younger than you and so maybe unsurprisingly I got into Arcade Fire with Neon Bible, and I can remember spending many a rainy car journey in the back seat listening to that thing front to back over and over on my old discman.