
As a guy with a pretty serious nut allergy that bit absolutely slayed me.

All I really watch on on UK TV at the moment is Top Gear (intermittently), Graham Norton (also intermittently), Doctor Who and Sherlock whenever it decides to be on. As sitcoms go I actually think Not Going Out is pretty decent in a knows it's just a trashy multi-cam sitcom way (unlike Miranda, which seems to try to

My mind went straight to OTH when I saw what was happening with this ep. I also agree that for the first half or so of its run it was a pretty decent show.

I think you'll find she was "Taked", go back to school dick.

1. Somewhere in the middle, hopefully tipping towards the former.

@avclub-64ad8f3af92ef8d9a1c7dfd7265e577d:disqus I completely agree with you; she used a hammer to crack a nut, but you then also have to balance that against the Labour alternative who didn't have the balls to do anything… about the nut in said analogy.

@avclub-0a7d7a81e8e3a20e4c34748e98ef45f6:disqus They did, it's a fact. I'm not saying it wipes out what happened to others, but not every working class person in Northern Britain in the early 80s was down a coal pit.

Lots of poor got rich too.

Just retired?

The mining industry, amongst others, was doomed long before Thatcher took power, she was just the person to bite the bullet. People always conveniently forget how awful Britain was in the 70's; inflation was at 13%, there were regular power cuts due to constant strikes which crippled many of the state run services

OK so just to confirm:

@avclub-2a5866203b479586ecc9183837a2d3e0:disqus The fact that, at the time, nothing worked would suggest yes. If the solution someone comes up with might be wrong that doesn't necessarily mean there was no problem to begin with.

Satire from the side you disagree with doesn't automatically equal propaganda.

Hey! I also watched it not long ago, about a month or so, and loved it. I started the day not having ever heard of it and by the end of the same day it was in my top 10 movies of all time. Neither Gosling or Epps are provided with easy solutions to their problems at the end, but they can see a chink of light that

I would argue there is a big difference between describing something as "being great" and something "achieving (or reaching or whatever) greatness". Not everything I describe as awesome necessarily inspires awe in me.

It has "When it Rains, It Pours" and "Queen of Jordan", which means the other 20 episodes could just be a picture of dog shit for 22 minutes and it would still be a great season.

"calculated overhyped mainstream pop-rap mediocrity"

I think Ted's always been more obsessed with the idea of "Robin" (read also "Victoria", "Stella") and in his constant search for "the one" he's been projecting this idea onto every vaguely serious relationship during that time. As these others have fallen away only Robin has stuck around. Or maybe I'm reading too much

I think Ted's always been more obsessed with the idea of "Robin" (read also "Victoria", "Stella") and in his constant search for "the one" he's been projecting this idea onto every vaguely serious relationship during that time. As these others have fallen away only Robin has stuck around. Or maybe I'm reading too much