Hee hee! Great feature. I hope you make some progress cooking. Even my husband has learned to make avocado toast, fried eggs and has - recently - learned to sear fish. Which is no small feat! Of course, he’s 64. But when you have time, there’s hope.
Hee hee! Great feature. I hope you make some progress cooking. Even my husband has learned to make avocado toast, fried eggs and has - recently - learned to sear fish. Which is no small feat! Of course, he’s 64. But when you have time, there’s hope.
The 1997 cookbook attempts to distill our boomer heroine’s lifetime of food issues into a practical recipe…
I was shocked when I found that a spoonful of sugar on the back of the tongue was listed as a potential cure for hiccups in Harrison's Textbook of Internal Medicine back when I was in medical school in the mid 90's.
I turned it and whenever I seen the beak and the eye, I threw it and I screamed.
So heads is where we are drawing the line today... duly noted. Wings, breasts, thighs, legs, but no heads.. got it.
Grow fruit and vegetables on your very own super yacht.
If you ever have a question about if a US regulation is lax, assume it is. GOP fights tooth and nail to remove every regulation possible and they do have years where they control all the parts so gutting the regs is easy. Then, when they are out of power, they still stonewall any attempts to restore stuff.
Probably a little of both. Not that EU citizens are wildly healthier than we are, but I’m guessing industry has more influence than they should in the US.
As I’ve mentioned before, I used to work for Wilton. All of the food products (sprinkles, icing colors, icing pouches etc) that we exported had to be specially formulated for sales in Canada/the UK/the EU/etc. I don’t know if we used erythrosine, but I know a lot of the artificial coloring agents were either banned or…
Tabasco. I’ve tried other hot sauces on fries and this is the one.
I don’t know what kind of ketchup McDonald’s uses, but it is definitely not plain old Heinz like Burger King claims to use (and is still nasty watery tomato jizz). McD’s ketchup somehow has this extra tanginess, almost vinegary that balances out properly cooked, hot fries, or covers up when they’re obviously not a…
Okay, curry sauce is pretty solid.
I like this blue chees fondue that they used to serve at Rathbun’s in Atlanta:
Thats a deep cut for an American website
Everyone in Britain pronounces it Chia-batta, with some slight regional accent variations (southerners go for more of a bahta, northerners keep the “a” short). I can’t imagine any other way to say it? But then I say this as someone who gets filthy looks from Americans when I ask for brush-etta.
I used to love Barr’s pop, especially Dandelion & Burdock (do they still make that?) and Irn Bru. It’s almost impossible to find here in the US.
Makes sense since almonds cost considerably more than milk powder and I don’t think there is a domestic supply in the UK.
All the best birria creations start with this mother recipe.
There was originally an Old Gregg reference that got cut for being too pornographic.
I bet there would be a big audience for a bleach ‘n’ ivermectin soda.