Naked and Afraid... oh wait that’s a different show with no actual nudity.
Naked and Afraid... oh wait that’s a different show with no actual nudity.
I studied this idea 25 years ago in my Biotech undergrad. I distinctly remember the concept of vaccination via banana.
Domino’s is absolutely terrible. To be fair, when they reformulated their “pizza” it got less shitty... but it’s still garbage.
England banned nunchucks in TV and movies for a while. So it’s the complete opposite there when it comes to violence instead of nudity.
It’s sad to see these shows jump off their massive popularity on PBS to Netflix. I mean, the production values usually jump up with the money, but it just feels like PBS gets shafted for giving them their break. Not this show since PBS just had broadcast rights, but other shows like Somebody Feed Phil and the like.
They do the skits and even say “Welcome to the Great British Baking Show.” I think they film two openings, or at least the last bit, because the show is now so popular in the States.
I recall reading about an ice cream store that that gave percentage reductions for every degree below zero, which I thought was quite clever. If people go out at 40 below they deserve to pay only 60%
“Is it ever too cold to eat ice cream?”
I had to look it up just now, I’m an American who is familiar with the show (but I haven’t seen much) and I just assumed it was a made up word created for the show.
Well, and probably also because the slang term “gogglebox” would be totally unfamiliar to American audiences.
Americans are too prudish to air a show like Naked Attraction. Murder however many people you want, but gods forbid a nipple gets shown on tv.
If I’m not mistaken, Netflix doesn’t include the intro skit at the start of each episode. Some are quite delightful. Some are quite horrific. This week’s skit in one word: Mullets.
Naked Attraction isn’t shown in the US. It would have to be on Netflix or HBO cause of censorship and the general public’s aversion to seeing old-lady-bush or dudes with all the nether-piercings.
Poles n’ Holes
It is a math thing. Specifically it is a nod to the Babylonian Method. This is a way to calculate square roots by hand (ha ha a radish is a root veggie). If you know the method you can look at the 3 in the riddle and know the answer is the √3.
Now this has me thinking.......bullets,
a vending machines for bullets in America.
There would be more than one way of dispensing,
especially if it detects it’s being broken into.
Vending machines are not as a big thing in the U.S. because too many Americans are thieves. There was once a push to make the U.S. a vending machine utopia, but shitty people kept breaking into and/or stealing them. The rampant thefts put a kibosh on the whole scheme.
That reminded me of the time I tried that stupid double crunchwrap thing from Taco Bell. My jaw was sore from eating the thing because of all the chewing.
It would be funnier if England weren’t also punching Scotland and N.I. in the dick despite their desire to stay in the EU.