
Now that they are hooked cut off supply until they export proper British Cadbury Creme Eggs.

This reminds me of my first week in London for University. I was at a shop and there was some American freaking out that the drinks weren’t cold enough and that there weren’t any cool ranch Doritos. After that I tried my best to pretend I was Canadian. 

Why is the guy behind sitting with a loaf of Warburtons white bread on the table?

It’s also down to the haulage industry paying low wages.

I hope they don’t run into problems here in the US, I was thinking of finally trying them tomorrow for lunch.  I have one right up the road.

“Old days" also implies that I am old, too! Those squarish bottles were easy to pack. 

“Smack Barm Pey Wet?” I swear the UK must have a whole wing of government working 24/7 at coming up with annoying earworm names.

I wanted to try a Smack Barm Pey Wet, once. But she said it would cost extra.

They ate two young women. They ate them alive. It wasn’t a funny joke.

I wonder if he knows that Amazon sells a commercial soft serve unit you can put in your home for about $1600?

I hope the book discusses the differences between Italian and Italian-American cuisine. One of my favorite episodes was when they went to Naples, specifically how Paulie didn’t fit in all, and he didn’t like their food because it wasn’t the red sauce with pasta that he knows.

I hope the book discusses the differences between Italian and Italian-American cuisine. One of my favorite episodes

I have the cookbook, but it is more entertainment than anything, though the recipes I did try came out well on first try (the Italian side of my family is from northern Italy and this skews southern), however, it is a lot of fun to read for fans of the show and visiting friends and family are always pulling it off the

I have the cookbook, but it is more entertainment than anything, though the recipes I did try came out well on first

When I was a kid-like around 1968-ish we went camping in Yellowstone National Park. We were sitting around the picnic table at our campsite when out of the woods wandered a very large brown bear. He proceeded to climb up on the picnic table (sitting on a box of graham crackers) and stick his snout into a jar of

Ah, for the old days of travel when you could bring back a half dozen or more 50p bottles of Geo. Watkins brand from England. 

Now playing

I’m linking the Townsends video here about mushroom ketchup because it seems CRIMINAL that it wasn’t mentioned in the article. I think the recipe is slightly different (it’s a direct 18th century recipe, so way different spices) but the video is such a good explanation of the history of mushroom ketchup, and as always

UK Metro: Bobbies Baffled Bystanders Beaned by Baked Bramwells.

I work out on the railway; a nice warm thermos of Bovril has gotten me through many an icy night shift during winter.

And passengers, the way the door bounced off the side of the bus, it could easily have put a window out and have the glass hurt a passenger.