
I typically use monkfruit as a sugar substitute, particularly in beverages as I don’t like to drink sugar. However, Gumbercules is correct: there’s a good amount of sugar in here already because of the pineapple, cherries, and sparkling wine, so if you’re avoiding sugar because of a health issue, this might not be the

I’ve had mixed results as there’s a large variance in fishiness between brands. I splurged for the Red Boat and it does seem the best of the ones I’ve tried.

Don’t confuse the Yanks with the Welsh language! They’ve only just got their heads around the fact that Big Ben is the bell and the clock tower are two separate things!

I know our local food drive only wants powdered milk, or soy milk cartons, due to concerns about shelf life and recipients not having refrigeration at home. Fresh milk would be something they couldn’t even store. 

I think part of the reason for that might be related to that they would have pay the costs to store, transport, and package it for those services. While the item has the potential to feed others, it’s the logistic costs that cause the problem.

anti-Scottish propaganda spread by jittery Brits

It is Friday night, so I’m not googling, but I believe that Illinois is both the soybean and horseradish capitol of the world. I can live without edamame, but you can have my isothiocyantes when you pry them from my cold, dead, fingers.

lodged against Scotsmen by the British.

Seems needlessly cruel to the redheads in question.

Come to america where even our male chickens are fucking useless.

it’s unclear what they’ve decided to do with the disappointing roosters”