
Fresh, torn basil. Good olive oil. Minced anchovies. XO sauce. 

I’m genuinely curious: how did pepperoni become our go-to topping here in the U.S.A. vs the rest of the world where it mostly isn’t offered?

Why do unwashed philistines insist on calling things pizza that aren’t Neapolitan or its close cousin, New York, pizza? I’m not being controversial, I’m just genuinely curious. My sincere apologies to unwashed philistines everywhere but you should stick to beanie-weenie casserole and ambrosia salad. You know,

Not from the UK but lived there for a while and I made it a point to try them since the candy store on my way to work always had them in the window.

If that ham and rye you are eating didn’t come from Kent, it isn’t a sandwich.

$20 bucks says the truck driver voted for Brexit. Any takers?


It’s like how the second beer is always better, and so good you become convinced the third is an excellent idea, the best idea ever.

Very cauliflower-ry. In fact I would go so far to say if you don’t like cauliflower I wouldn’t bother.


You can buy a whole roll of plates for a couple dollars:

It’s great with some of this on top:

One of the top ones was an egg carton. that’s a good example of recycling something you’d normally just toss. Although I have to wonder how you’d sanitize it for food use.

A fine, renewable source of natural gas!

You know that notion just crossed my mind?

It’s nationwide, their unions are demanding they be recognized as such. Considering they do provide a means for people to get food it may be a correct stance. 

Exceptions exist. I also find the Times to be way, way less bullshit than most conservative media.

Wrong continent, sadly, but now you have me curious...

Real 70's vibe. I guess that’s the nostalgia part.