The Ape of God

Possible she did a not completely nude dance routine on lapdance no touching heavy security, quick 1 min pole routine, wouldn’t take my hundo, ignored me in the back parking lot, super rude closing her gated driveway on me.

“Rosario Dawson, according to Finley’s suit, participated in the beatdown “by sitting on top of him and ‘actively restraining him while he was on the ground to ensure that her mother could continue battering him.’”

Christ, I’m sick of this. Every fucking time someone tells one of these stories, of which there are many, there’s always some brain genius asking “why did she wait so long?” as if it’s not abundantly fucking clear by now that women who accuse powerful men of doing these things have to face mountains of verbal abuse,

Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.

I’m not THAT much better than that, let’s  be honest.

Thees ees no so bad, oui?!

Not disclosing sponsored posts anymore?

Wait, I think I get it. Calling yourself trash is how men deal with the fact that they actually like patriarchy and misogyny because it benefits them. So they show shame and that covers up for the fact that they still want dominance. If you say “I’m trash” and do a little performative feminism, you can avoid changing