Allow me to present my objective ranking of the Fast & Furious movies, established using a scientifically rigorous method of thinking about them a lot.
Allow me to present my objective ranking of the Fast & Furious movies, established using a scientifically rigorous method of thinking about them a lot.
once again, a few, barely noticeable inches changed the outcome of a match.
There is a particular vegan meatloaf that ranks among the most delicious things I’ve ever eaten.
Christ, I’m sick of this. Every fucking time someone tells one of these stories, of which there are many, there’s always some brain genius asking “why did she wait so long?” as if it’s not abundantly fucking clear by now that women who accuse powerful men of doing these things have to face mountains of verbal abuse,…
Grimrock looks a lot like Wizardry but doesn’t play much like it. The real-time nature of the combat changes the gameplay significantly from the turn-based menu-driven combat of the Wizardry series. Grimrock is much closer to Dungeon Master than Wizardry.
Yeah, this guy sounds like he sucks. I’m a lot less likely to vote Sanders in the primary if this is the kind of person he’s working closely with.
Dorris believes the officer was wearing a body camera, but that footage will not be immediately released because of the investigation.
NP, but the first-gen MR2 is my dream car, so I might be a little biased.
Thank you for this deep dive into the mystery of what foley work is.
You guys need to relax about VAR. You’re acting like offisde goals being allowed to stand is vital to the integrity of the sport. You’re also acting like every goal in every match is being exhaustively reviewed after the fact, rather than the small portion that are of dubious validity. This crusade against correct…
Annoying chest ahead
That’s nothing. I watched Sorcerer over the weekend and there was not a single sorcerer anywhere in the film. No one even casts a spell!
Taxidermy guy seems all right.
I am so jealous of David Brooks. If I could get paid fat stacks to write column after column about how I am both unwilling and unable to understand the issues of the day, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Shit, I could write a month’s worth of those columns by the end of today.
My now-wife bought a 2001 Buick at CarMax in 2014 out of desperation. By the time she was done paying it off she had spent almost $10,000 on it. It’s a total piece of shit. Not worth it.
Let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Mark Meadows doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
It’s called “kickball.”
Looks great. I don’t donate to Kickstarters, but I’ll pick one up when it goes on sale for real. The controller is the Dreamcast’s only flaw.
I like the part where Sanders accidentally drew a dot on the screenshot she took of her Notes app.
This entire operation is a fucking disgrace. Murphy and Novo clearly do not give a shit about the club or its players. They only started pretending to care after the story broke six months ago, but this has been going on for years. This is exactly the kind of situation to which the league should have put a stop ages…