
And perfectly tone deaf given her relationship with police.

If it is Harris, then he’s just handed Trump another term. Harris is not as popular as this site makes her out to be. Especially in the current climate. Biden needs someone not tainted by a prosecutorial past.

California has 840 miles of coastline. Desalinating water has been an available technology for centuries.

Every drug dealer everywhere just snapped to attention.

I've never sniffed a hand or even thought about it. I hope to hell I don't think about this when shaking hands in the future. But it does beat sniffing butts.

True story: the people I know who have the most trouble with their finances are the people who most often say, "My parents always handled that." I think this might be a case where it's okay to interpret correlation as causation.

Fellow Nurses, we don't get a lot of extra perks, but like me, if you work at a hospital which has Federal and/or State funding, you may qualify for a Government discount, sometimes up to 40% off rates. Both Best Western ( They sent me a blue card sized printout which I laminated and keep in my wallet) and Hilton

* sets most of canada on fire *

Picture yourself on the playground of a school yard

I'm disappointed her "inner goddess" wasn't a hologram situation.

Counterpoint: There is no better snack food than chocolate milk.

I can tell you one thing creative people do: they get their vaccinations. I just found this little ditty on FB. A new low equating creativity with getting your shots. A new Dark Age looms if creatives are constantly maligned.

You should add "I don't have time to do that".... Instead, it should be something like "I don't care enough about that to make it a priority"

Not bad, but it's worth referencing that Gizmodo already covered the uber-ultimate Facebook creepy-troll tactic, courtesy of legendary Ryan Roy:

Bullcrap. I tried switching mousing hands. Minutes later, terrorists killed my family!

Here is a *high five* to my fellow Floridan.

I dropped a brick on a palmetto bug one time. It threw it back at me. Those things are fucking insane.