
But im sure you passed on rebates to to get the 0%. If you amortize it out, im betting 0% is close to what you wouldve had, paying 2.9 or 3.9 using rebates (silverado for instance is $6-$9k) with an option to accelerate payments. With 0% you’re locked in, until the breakeven point of rebates vs 0%.

The Latch system is limited to 65 lbs total weight (including 25lb car seat) so the child weight limit is 40lbs. The NHTSA recommends using a carseat up to age 7. Do you know how much a 5 or 6 year old weighs? Do the math, the LATCH system doesn’t work for the entire time a child should be in a carseat.

CAFE is dumb, and the new emissions rules were also pretty dumb.

I don’t know the specifics of FCA’s deferment, but remember it’s not a CUT for salaried employees.  You’re basically being forced to set aside 20% of your income which will be paid back to you at a later date with a very healthy rate of return (substantially more than banks or even stocks right now) in the future. 

You’re correct, but it’s also worth noting that the salary is the part that most directly impacts cashflow and thus the ability to do things like pay workers.

Maybe this is the push the industry needs towards Tesla’s sales model. The dealership model is going to die at some point, this could be it.  

Nice idea but they don’t care. They are lying their way through this and are trying to be the first one out and a new leading economy. COVID was a godsend to the Chinese economy. Before COVID their failing economy was all on them but now they have the world collapsing with them and they are a few months farther in the

IOUSA. I recommend it. You can find it on YouTube.

Well, what about Ebola and Lyme’s, you hack?

The top two quintiles pay the lion’s share of the total income tax burden.

Something more like this...

You’re right. I remember when states went on lockdown over H1N1 and businesses were closing left and right and the economy crashed again.

As opposed to 0bama’s massive deficit spending and money printing? Or Bush’s?

Does that mean you in fact think record unemployment is bad?

Whatever you gotta tell yourself to back your team.

HA! True.

More power at the top as long as my team pulls the strings, eh?

Even more reason to diffuse politics and economics.

Probably because so much of what passes for being progressive online is taking ideologically sexy but wildly unrealistic positions and then shitting all over people who don’t match those positions 100%

So Jezebel is in the “Property is Theft” camp now? Good to know.