
I can think of a few.

More Tyrrell...different wingage:

you called?

California Vehicle Code: "22400. (a) No person shall drive upon a highway at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic, unless the reduced speed is necessary for safe operation, because of a grade, or in compliance with law."

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

The speeds quoted are average speeds. You cannot get an average speed equal to the limit w/o exceeding the limit. IE, you have to speed to actually average the speed limit. If you drive the actual limit, your average speed is far less (and your commute time is proportionately longer). That also assumes there is no

"I whip out the cellphone". It's illegal to even have it in your hand..and why would you take it out if you aren't going to use it? Are you a baby who plays with broken phones for fun? Grow up.

That would be the natural energy drink referred to as adrenaline. I'm a big fan myself.

Not getting out of the way in the left lane should be an automatic ticket for reckless driving. These smug folks are the greatest risk on the highway. Not to mention the cellphone. I think I smell a troll.

Using a cellphone while driving should be an automatic ticket for reckless driving.

Just a few thoughts:

You would probably end up being the more dangerous person on the road because now you are screwing with a camera and trying to get positioned for a good shot. I would rather share the road with a speeder than some guy simmering in passive aggressive bureaucratic rage trying to dish out petty come-uppence.

I'll obey all traffic laws when cops do. At least you have a sense of humor about it.

Paying attention with less time to react > Zombie driving

If you just learn how to keep your eyes open and stop cruising in the left lane I think you will find you are perfectly safe. people speeding don't put you in danger—people driving like complete asshats do. They can be going 20 or 100, but if they are aggressively cutting people off, tailgating, brake-checking, etc.

People doing something illegal does not necessarily put your life in danger. Conversely, following the law is not always the safest action. For example, if everyone is going 80 and you're going 65, you're more likely to be in an accident than anyone else, all other factors being equal - the person driving slowly

People speeding are not putting your life in danger.

Sounds good. Can I also record you cruising in the passing lane, not indicating lane changes and texting?

My problem isn't that I speed intentionally because I think I'll get there faster, but rather that I tend to just go at a comfortable speed without paying attention to the speedometer. Unfortunately more often than not that means I'm speeding and sometimes I get caught...