
Her sister, mom and ex husband all have an accent but Petra doesn't, even though she didn't leave her home country until she was an adult. I always found that strange.

Could be. I heard she will be gone soon, but he mentions it every time she's on screen. 😄

I mean he was always going to die. Either death or divorce. This episode broke the fourth wall a few times. It could have been meta.

The actress is OITNB.

Well, I've been #teamrafael since the pilot. It started with them and it should end with them. Dennis is no Raf. It didn't work because it was the wrong time.

Jane most likely told him who Michael was. Raf should be back in suits soon : )

I don't want a D/J romance because he's Michael's former co worker and friend. I know that kind of thing does happen, but the show doesn't have to go there. She can slowly re enter the dating scene with other guys. R.I.P Zen Raf. I do not miss you at all. That R/P fantasy dancing scene was hilarious. So was Petra…

It was very wacky.

I actually didn't notice Jimmy wasn't in the episode until 2 hours after it went off. It was a cute and funny episode. Their most Rom Com episode of the show. I like Kara/Mon-El more than Jimmy/Kara. I felt like J/K were too different and lacked chemistry.

My mistake.

Jane & Rafael. The American version changed a few things but Jennie never said the ending was going to change. Michael didn't exist.

Exhausted. That's a telenovela couple.

If they wanted her to kill someone, it wouldn't take place in S3. She definitely would do it.

Vests! *just joking*

Mateo remembering Michael or caring would be bad writing. Kids that young do not remember you.

He's six feet under. He's gone but not forgotten. But he's gone! 😄

That's what bothers me about time jumps. I don't have problem with JTV time jump, but that will bother me the most.

S1 of JTV is perfect. And I'm not saying that because I'm a big J/R fan. The entire season was amazing.

JTV is not a dead serious drama. A time jump makes sense for a show like this.

He better shave it by the end of season.