
Why not make the villain a woman too?

Too bad they can't throw Gotham in there. lol

Many people are blinded by their shipper goggles. Iris hasn't had an amazing season yet. We may have hated Laural in S1/S2/S3 but she did have a life beyond Oliver and Tommy. Give her something to do. We know she isn't dying, so I don't care about that storyline.

"She looks like my cousin." How can that line not be included? 😄

Nolan Ross doesn't count?

Papa Lance was even shocked when he found out about her relationship with Nyssa. It was the first time she was with a woman. Nobody thought of Sarah as bisexual before the QB went down.

Um, Star Labs would actually make money again if it were open to the public again, show. Cisco and Caitlin would get an actual pay check.

I'm glad it will be over after LoT. I wasn't excited about this 4 way crossover when it was announced. I wanna know what happens next on SG, Flash & Arrow. I don't watch LoT. I will watch it tomorrow only.

That was terrible.

It was Batman.

Please don't. He needs to understand that his actions have consequences. Stop giving Barry what he wants, show.

Barry has to be dumb because TPTB feel the team would be useless if he were Science Barry! He was on Arrow(2 part episode) and S1. We know it's bullsh!t.

Which Alchemy has in the comics.

Of course he's Dr. Alchemy. He matches up with comic book Alchemy. Dr. Alchemy has a good side and evil side. The CSI side is not evil, but the Alchemy side is.

Barbara is better as crazy Barbara. Galavan's sister is useless. We knew something was going on with Mario when we seen his neck. But how did he get infected?

She only cares about herself. She would kill her own child if it meant protecting herself. Then cry at the service.

This show needs an endgame. Either S4 or a short S5. That's the problem with network television. Eric K refused to back down from his 5 year plan. Yeah, SPN is still beating a dead horse, but Eric told his story and stepped down after that. Many folks agree the first five seasons are the best. Frank better not be…

It's not. Either you're gay, straight, bi, pansexual or even asexual.

But praise baby Jesus it's out! I would kill them all if it went beyond 6 episodes. 😄

The episode was kinda a drag. The first two villians were people team flash trusted. Julian and Barry do not get along, so it would be something different. I still think Draco is DA unless he's a Superhero we haven't met yet.