This is good.
This is good.
Fair enough, but I do hope you look at why you need to undermine what they’re saying by accusing them of faking offense. I think, if anything, they’re downplaying the effects so as to not make a big deal. No one is ever going to be fired for simply saying “no can do,” nor should they be, and I think if you look…
I assure you people who are the targets of racism can, and do, put up with it on a regular basis. This article is offering a way to respect those people by not adding unnecessary insult to the ongoing injury. Do you honestly think people losing jobs for being casually racist is a bigger problem than people whose…
I don’t believe it’s arbitrary to point out historical racist significance. If these words originated as racist insults, why do you want to still use them? I totally understand that you don’t feel the pain they cause, it would be absurd to expect you to understand that, but it sounds as though you think they should…
So as an advocate of open dialog and ball-breaking, couldn’t you just take what they’re requesting in a similar vein and just accept that sometimes you have to put up with stuff you don’t like, the same way you demand of people when you’re the one breaking the balls? Why is their request to push your comfort boundary…
“there is no truth outside of your own intuitions”
Even if they’re “silly” why not stop using the term if it hurts them? What’s the drawback to being overly respectful?
So you’ll acknowledge that words can be hurtful, given your respect for the two you cite. If people are asking you not to use these other words, telling you they’re hurtful, why not respect that as well?
Also the seamless transition back into the BS interview answer. Robot reactivated
Why does that feel satisfying? Setting aside the group you argue are pretending, and focusing on the genuine hurt people experience from racism, what feels good to you about causing that pain?
“You’re welcome to wallow in your self-hating white masochism”
Nobody is limiting anybody’s free speech, just reminding you that a lot of people are going to be offended by it, and for historically significant reasons. This is a nudge to those who’d like not to offend haphazardly.
I don’t think that’s how “meaning” works. Just because the people using it are unawares doesn’t mean the people listening aren’t hip. That’s a pretty classic excuse white people have used for a lot of our shitty behavior; ignorance doesn’t erase the effects, and it tends to be pretty convenient, self-serving…
Nah, Skyrim was dope. Sorry you didn’t like it.
The real moral of the story: kids really put a crimp in your gaming. Just don’t do it. The kids, that is. Gaming >>> raising ungrateful parasites.
You and I have very different experience in Open World games.
Getting fired by Trump may actually be better for one’s reputation than getting hired in the first place.
Logged in for the express purpose of making this snide comment. You beat me to it. We’re awful people...
If we can’t save this man, none of us has a chance. I think, secretly, we’re all living in the shame of our future surrender to our own weakness. We can do so much better, but we’re all so tired, so burdened, and all the lights they sell us at the end of their expensive tunnels just lead back to the oncoming trains.
Damn. Maybe I need to lower my sights on my “life-long dreams.” She looks really happy...