What a maroon
What a maroon
Being on a dating site means having “actively unfulfilling love lives?”
Well, sure, if you’re gonna demand “good.” Concentrations of evil are rarely “good” for anyone.
We’re still blaming the voters for not saving our corrupt system from itself? Yeah? 2020 should be fun...
And by somehow adding salt to the shade, the first real human harmony was born. Born of hatehatehatehatehate
So the crux of the issue, for you, is that the usage of platforms should be specifically limited to their original genre of content? The Twitch designers clearly disagree, thus the advent of the IRL section.
And? If it ain’t your thing you don’t watch. I have no idea why this concept is so hard for the pro-censorship crowd...
ButButBut our community!! Men deserve a chance to make money too!! AllGamersMatter!!
Sam Harris and Tim Ferriss are, so far as I know, different people
Cam Jordan is a Boss. Real real, really.
Honest curious question (and yes, I know where that usually leads) :
Damian Jones has as many votes as minutes played this season!
They need to change the fucking name if they allow teams to trade away “Franchise Players.” That designation should at least come with a stipulation that the player approve any trade. The NFL cares so much more about GMs not having to suffer the consequences of their own stupidity than it does about players suffering…
Does nobody remember the access hollywood tape? He wasn’t kidding, that’s how power works in “the business.” He somehow became a celebrity, and that is hypnotizing to people who crave it, they’ll let him demean them in so many ways. She probably thought there was a TV deal in it for her somewhere, or at least a trip…
You sunuvaMaga...
You sunuvabitch...
I’ll do my part
I think what he remembered was the roiling feeling of stepping in a hole deeper than his leg. You never forget the first time you realize you’re walking around naked (netrally) online.
I think the missing ingredient in this is both simpler and more deeply unsatisfying than you’d like. Or at least that’s how my projection goes.
... as your response is another reminder that a large portion of our country still can’t grasp that certain moments in history don’t require false equivalence.