i gotta ask, was Brock really worse then these three qbs still on the roster? I mean they are already paying him to play for the broncos, why not just keep him on the roster.
i gotta ask, was Brock really worse then these three qbs still on the roster? I mean they are already paying him to play for the broncos, why not just keep him on the roster.
i was playing with a large group and there was this one dude who is probably on the spectrum, and just cant handle the game and complains the whole time, so one time we were both werewolves, and i was setting us up to get someone else voted off, and so i non chalantly mentioned that i was one role, and that he was…
it’s going to be interesting to see a d linman blow wentz the fuck up next game, and for there to be a blog about how the hit was “legal, and thats the problem” You can’t have shit like what happened last night happen, AND also not allow the defense to hit the QB.
im curious to know if they had a whistle on them. Always hike with a whistle.
You know BB has a fog machine that he breaks out in practice to get the players ready for this situation, just in case.
what do you want to do when you grow up?
Stop being so selfish Zeke, just take the punishment. - Everyone who said the same thing to tom brady, but is now telling a serial sexual harrassment perpetrator to keep defending himself, even tho there is video of him publically sexually harrassing at least one person.
maybe rodgers should stop running outside of the pocket, then stopping suddenly to throw which allows big linemen running full speed to hit him?
fouts could get set on fire, on air, and i wouldn’t give a shit. the dude is the worst.
hey lauren, it also looks very similar to the play that happened this year against the seahawks which was called the same way. the jets were not screwed out of a TD.
the runner lost posession of the ball, he regained possesion but never established himself in bounds, as a result that means the ball was fumbled, and then not touched again until someone touched it out of bounds.
if she couldn’t handle not being offended by the waiver, there is no way she would handle working their without being offended. Not sure why shes gotta make a big deal about it, it’s not like they targeted her specifically.
Sorry if this post offended anyone, please don’t sue me because i hurt your feelings.
if i had to guess, Trump called jerry and told jerry He’ll grease the wheels to get jerry some sweet loopholes somewhere if he sides with the trump white house on the matter.
its mostly because they know Patriot fans will defend their team, and since deadspin has been hemorrhaging money they need the clicks that patriots fans bring in.
In short, Deadspin is failing miserably, their writers suck at their jobs, so their last resort is hoping the people they hate the most swoop in to save them…
will they let her love for the patriots shine through, or are they going to force her to shit on them because of some agenda.
holy shit she dropped the “do you know who I am card” Listen Cams initial comments were wrong, but she seems pretty upset that he doesn’t care who she is, and to me thats kind of fucked up.
but if we do that, how are we going to be able to fuck up companies so thoroughly that we get fired, and upon getting fired we get like $40,000,000 golden parachutes, which obviously is nice, but now that im not working i can start at this new job where they will pay me twice that.
I need to get a boat that i can park…
It’s going to be interesting to see how this thing is going to be putting out dual HD level resolutions for steams VR catalog without some sort of graphics card that those “high end” computers use.
It looks cool. They have rich parents, and don’t have to work.