I mean, This sounds super illegal. if you’re willing skirt the legality of this app, you might as well grab vudu and then google some upc codes, and pay the $2 disc to digital fee.
I mean, This sounds super illegal. if you’re willing skirt the legality of this app, you might as well grab vudu and then google some upc codes, and pay the $2 disc to digital fee.
if his back was to the person shouting, how could he possibly have pointed him out to security? did he see a spanish looking fellow and just assume?
whoa whoa whoa with all this “racist” talk, he prefers the term “White nationalist”
I’m sure clowny felt really great up until the patriots beat them at the last second.
counter point: People need to stop buying these
I’ve only ever seen a few balks, but that doesn’t look like a balk imo.
not placing blame here just curious. Why did she go to the nfl for help prior to the police? Why not just go directly to the police?
Yeah, those 49ers should have never cut Kap.
in that case Ron would need to get the variance, and his neighbors are going to need to sign off. If they say no, we get another article about how his neighbors are assholes.
you’re list is the basic bitch list of board games.
“It’s a superstar-driven league.”
Actually AJ, Its not. This isn’t the NBA and the fact that the bengals have committed so much money to you, means that they cant sign players to take pressure off you, which results in triple coverage.
I think we all remember obama trying to shut down fox news because they kept calling him hitler for trying to push through universal healthcare.
Yeah, and you are also turning a bad situation into a good one by taking an illegal action, and molding into a productive part of society. By allowing these kids to stay, grow and prosper it makes America STRONGER. Eventually the silverspoon crowds bubble is going to burst, and then all the talentless kardashianesque…
I’d be willing to bet that the bell curve or the UFC’s popularity and ratings would look very much so like when the best technical fighters started meeting up against the best physically dominating fighters.
You know what doesn’t fill my apartment with smoke? My outside grill.
the real question is can pizza be al pastor?
the tesla model 3 is only $35,000
i mean he had months to plan it so there’s that.
damn i was just thinking how i’d love to replace my garbage desk, and that Altra L shaped desk ends up being like $50. That’s a solid price for a desk i wont be too worried about tossing whenever i eventually move.
damn i was just thinking how i’d love to replace my garbage desk, and that Altra L shaped desk ends up being like…