
So, he spends his days watching TV, eating fast food, fucking around on social media and jerking off. Even has nuclear weapons at his disposal. Sounds like every 14 year old boy’s dream life. 

Karma, baby, never forgets an address.

Obama could wear a $12 suit from Wal Mart still look great. He’s the perfect clothes horse—tall, slim and broad shoulders. Plus, he carries himself like a man who’s supremely comfortable in his own skin. Trump’s posture is terrible, and he schlumps around like someone who finds living in his own skin a true

While we’re at it, it’s amazing that Daddy hasn’t ever hired an image consultant who would tell him to get some speech therapy so he isn’t constantly making that repulsive “anus mouth” when he speaks, to hire a decent hair stylist, and to quit tanning himself to a ridiculous shade of orange while leaving his eyes a

Sure. Kate is fairly clueless about everything except her own feelings. She doesn't display real empathy to anyone but herself.

Yes! Re-doing my kitchen as well, and I couldn’t be more excited. It should be finished about the same time our daughter’s little boy is born. I care very much about the humanitarian crisis at the border, but I won’t waste a minute watching or listening to the sociopath in the White House.

Are you me? You expressed my feelings exactly. Been married contentedly to the same guy for 46 years, and should he be gone before me, I have no intention of EVER looking for another man. The fact that the only age bracket I would attract would be old geezers with one foot in the grave isn’t even a factor.

Yeah, body positive for drag queens. When it comes to actual women, both those with vaginas and transwomen, the attitude is “Eww! Girls are icky!”

He’s probably cold and wants to share your core body heat. Or maybe he just likes you and wants you to pet him.

Ever seen the pic of Donald when he was a wee tot? He was adorable, with no sign on the monster he would become. Let’s hope little Barron fares much better in life. At least he seems to have inherited his mother’s bone structure, so there’s that. 

What does flying in combat have to do with being a senator? I live in AZ, and McSally is a Trumpeteer. And a loon.

It was irritating and pretty narcissistic of Midge to launch into a long, self-focused intro to her big reveal when everyone at the table was clearly starving. And it was rude of her to put off the kitchen staff, who had clearly been cooking their asses off all day (while probably fasting themselves as well.)

The whole episode was a reference to Dirty Dancing..

That kid has only a small chance of not being an asshole. His mother is just as mean-spirited and narcissistic as his father, she’s just less vocal about it. That poor kid doesn’t have a chance.  

Except she won’t be Blue. Red, maybe. Orange probably.

I despise Cheney, but hate 45 infinitely more. Cheney Waterboarding Trump should be a pay-for-view event. 

Not entirely facetious. A girl can dream, right? I actually can see him getting perp-walked out of the White House, if he is impeached and removed from office and refuses to leave because the whole thing is “fake news.”

Oh, thanks. I just snorted vodka through my nose. It burned. Best laugh I’ve had all week. 

All of them look as if they only feeling they actually have is “This human suit is itchy.”

The entire family is the embodiment of the Duning-Krueger Effect. They’re too stupid to realize just how stupid they are.