
FYI you are being ridiculously patronising and dismissive when you suggest women who give blowjobs in a relationship are just forcing themselves to do it so their relationships don’t collapse. Kind of gross how you demand the whole world should have sex the same way you do or else they are either monsters or victims.

pretty critical

You’re proposing taxation based on content. What if this guy wanted to tax liberal ideas at a much higher rate than conservative idea. Are you OK with that, too?

It’s also quite possible that the normalization of sex through porn also leads to more openness about sex, leading to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

“Pornography treats women *and children* as objects.”etc. This is the bit that is pretty concerning, to be quite honest. Child porn is *already* illegal. This links adult porn with child porn in a way that is a: hugely inaccurate and b: could set a precedent for future legislation.

This includes most women’s media. Including even some clothing ads and, if they argue it right, ads for things like birth control and tampons.

The Bechdel Test is a pretty low bar, if you ask me. Two named women, having a conversation that’s not about a man. That’s all.

are you a woman? and you haven’t had more than three conversations with other women last year where you knew their names and you weren’t talking about a man? dude.

It’s not really a standard that applies to Real Life. 2 named female characters, talking with each other, about something other than men. You and your friends have names and you presumably have conversations about all manner of topics (not involving the “plot arcs” of the men in your lives). So you are literally

I don’t think that people use the Bechdel test as the standard to see whether or not something is sexist, it is more of a wake up call that“Holy shit this movie (lots of movies) can’t even have 2 female characters talk about something other than a man? How does that happen?” Is this necessarily bad/sexist in every

It’s an unrealistic standard that 2 women can have a conversation that’s not about a man?

About 20 years back in one of my first jobs, one of the saleswomen had a similar engagement story; he sent her on a spa day and when she asked for her coat, the spa girl brought her a fur (apparently they argued for a few minutes before saleswoman accepted that something was going on and not just that the spa girl was

It seems to escape some people (male) that sisters/twins in a threesome is incest. So totally NOT hot for them or most of the known world (female). Guys are simply disgusting.

You mean like how so many of them relied on their parents to take care of their children while they were working? You mean that whole issue? Also they get sympathy for having to work longer than they expected when they take responsibility for the shitty economy that was tanked when I graduated college in 2008.

We really should start spreading rumors in China about the healing properties of Republicans.

I fucking hate humans.

You, me and everyone I know....

I really do have no idea if my taxes are accurate, I just tend to hope TurboTax knows what it’s doing.

I want to wipe those smiles off their stupid faces with a belt sander

Pretty sure that’s a leopard but point taken.