
Yeah, I hate her but I have to give her credit for making me smirk. Well played... but she’s still an asshole.

And the “lost” chihuahua issue. I’ve been backing away from the Pratt-Faris household for a while, unrelated to pet issues. having concrete evidence instead of just a vague feeling of nope is a blessing *and* a purse.

“Police forces throwing a national election is something we’d expect to find in a developing country!”

Chris Pratt gave away his cat on Twitter. I’m not even mentioning this to criticize his morals. He did something lots of people would be offended by in a place where everyone could see it. He has bad judgment, period. I’m assuming that until this movie, he’s just been very lucky in not picking terrible projects.

I would happily give up what I am doing now to make high profile movies that pay me 20 million dollars. I will sell out so fucking fast your head would spin.

I see what you’re doing. Trying not be be low brow. You plucky devil you.

Preferable to this neat little bow they put on his psycho antics.

This is a serious story, no unibrow jokes.

Sometimes men murder and assault women because they have needs! Think of their needs!

But if you’re still jonesing for Resting JLaw Acting Face, create your own homebrew version by standing in front of a mirror and trying to remember the last eleven places you put your car keys.

They lost me at “Aurora.” You just know that whichever draft that first appeared in, the following script doctor’s immediate reaction was, “Too obvious” only to be countered by some studio lackey chirping, “Sleeping beauty — brilliant!”

Thank you for your service and for saving me fifteen bucks.

People tend to forget that over 60 million people voted for someone who bragged about sexually assaulting women because they identified with the old racist white guy. But yeah, let’s keep on blaming everyone else.

The people who say “it wouldn’t have changed anything” clearly did not pay attention to the campaign.

Clinton lost because the story the last two weeks of the election was the Comey letter, and emails. Trump’s strategy after that was to lay low, not say anything at all, and stay out of the news.

If they’re under NDAs from a notoriously litigious and vindictive bully, I can see it.

He’s not wrong. The people who are willing to look past Trump bragging about committing sexual assault because he promised them that The Steel Mill Will Reopen! weren’t going to be dissuaded by him saying “n****r”—in part because so many of them use the word themselves.

“I don’t think so…I think they would have liked him more, the people. For being politically incorrect.”

Not a joke. There are lots of celebrities and who?ebrities in the world who do Kardashian-style contouring and have plastic surgery who don’t set off the part of my brain that tells me “that may not be a human” the way Blac Chyna does.

Celebs look heavily made up/weird to me, but Blac Chyna is at another level. I’m not convinced that the people who animated The Polar Express don’t digitally replace her in all of her photos.

legit question - does anyone not?