My only response to everyone on Facebook right now is: “GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU FUCKING PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT FUCK!!!!!!!”
My only response to everyone on Facebook right now is: “GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU FUCKING PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT FUCK!!!!!!!”
I’m meh about it. The whole “female player is struggling until big inspirational speech from male teammate saves the day” bit is tired. And, imo, undermines the whole premise. I’ll probably keep watching, but I hope it gets better/less damsel in distress.
I know I’m supposed to just swallow the party line on this to be considered a “good” liberal, but I honestly cannot get my head around this idea that we should allow unlimited immigration. There isn’t a first world country anywhere that allows immigration without limitations, and for good reason.
Agreed. I find this show so ridiculously delightful. It's also inexplicably soothing - I rewatch season 1 whenever I'm stressed out.
Same. D1 athlete. Competed as a pro for awhile post college only to find I couldn’t really hack it at that level.
Uh no, problem not solved. A woman’s body continues to produce milk throughout the day. Milk that must be expressed every few hours. If it isn’t, her breasts will become a source of absolutely agonizing pain.
It's a National Park, not an attraction at Disney. You can't safety fence the whole world, and the whole point of National Parks is nature unspoiled. Sucks that sometimes bad shit happens, but if you want to be 100% safe all the time, stay home. No need to ruin the view for the rest of us.
I go to the gas station on my street all the time and buy shit like lottery tickets (hey, it could happen!) and stuff that I could get for half the price elsewhere, and I'm not poor. I'm just lazy and hate driving to the grocery store.
Savages the book is seriously fantastic. I really liked the movie, too, but I thought for sure I was the only one. Lol.
Thank you for this! I didn't even know! I got $75 and bought all of the books that have been sitting in my shopping cart forever. Amazon gift cards don't last long around me...
You’re right, it’s totally plausible that a middle aged woman was pursued through the woods for 12 hours by a lone wolf until she was rescued by a bear. Stuff like that totally happens.
You can start by looking up the statistics for wolf attacks on people.
lol I live in Alaska.
I 100% guarantee that this is a made up story. It's not even a good made up story.
Lol, no, this woman is full of shit. There's no way in hell this actually happened.
I recently interviewed for a position with a campaign. They offered me a $25k salary in exchange for an 80-100 hour work week. Lol no.
They’re books about, yes, there are horses. No horse smut, but lots of horses.
I've read Riders, but none of the sequels. Smut of the smuttiest order, but actually pretty good. And fairly accurate, from an equestrian standpoint. Well, closer to accurate than most.
Not to be “that poster”, but women cannot sire children. Sire = father. Men sire children, women produce them.