Lol, no, this woman is full of shit. There's no way in hell this actually happened.
Lol, no, this woman is full of shit. There's no way in hell this actually happened.
I recently interviewed for a position with a campaign. They offered me a $25k salary in exchange for an 80-100 hour work week. Lol no.
They’re books about, yes, there are horses. No horse smut, but lots of horses.
I've read Riders, but none of the sequels. Smut of the smuttiest order, but actually pretty good. And fairly accurate, from an equestrian standpoint. Well, closer to accurate than most.
Not to be “that poster”, but women cannot sire children. Sire = father. Men sire children, women produce them.
I think some families are complicated and it isn’t up to you or me to decide how they should relate to one another. Whether they're happy and close knit or not is none of your business, is my point.
You're really comfortable dictating the terms of other people's relationships?
I just don’t think it’s your (or anyone’s) place to determine what a person’s relationship with their parents should be. If you have a great relationship with your mother and you talk to her every day without fail, that's really great. But it's unfair of you to pass judgement on those that don't have that.
Some people have good reason to dislike their parents. It isn't a moral failing.
Personally, I don't disagree with you, but other commenters up thread have pointed out that the difference between a “discussion” and an “ultimatum” is semantics. Either way, you’re saying that not getting engaged in the near future is a dealbreaker.
Agreed, absolutely. But the entire premise of this article is built around judging women for doing the “wrong” thing.
This just seems like such a fraught process. Unless you are lucky enough to be living the fairy tale ending, no matter what you do, you’re wrong.
So. Much. This.
The city that I live in just feeds the kids. Any kids, for free, year round, no questions asked. Breakfast and lunch. All they have to do to get a meal (even in summer) is show up in one of the school cafeterias. I haven't looked into it enough to know the logistics of where the funding comes from, etc... but I was…