
She's the perfect choice to play a Time Master. There's a clock on the stove.

Don't you get it? Frank Darabont IS the walking dead!

By far the most terrifying entry in the series. That ending! So bleak and nihilistic.

I realize that under any reasonable metric this is a terrible movie, but I enjoy it more every time I see it.

He had plenty of motivation in High Plains Drifter. Not so much in Beguiled.

GYMKATA! on TCM last night. 'Nuff said.

"Hey, it's Mr. Kookalabanza! And some real ugly kid!

I can only go by the reaction I got. When I told people I had seen it, their sole question was, "Is it any good?" No one - not one person - said anything about the lead actress or the director.

You are even dumber than the people you decry.

Not very.

Talk about missing the point. Whether this is about Trump or not, my comment had more to do with the patronizing and pedantic tone of the OP. It's easy to call people you don't know or understand stupid, but to act like he's the only one intelligent enough to understand the point of the play is arrogant at best and

This is how they should end the series. Jimmy as Gene dies. He passes into another reality where he is dressed like a rich and distinguished lawyer. He pushes through the doors of a courtroom full of the other characters on the show, who have all died before him. At the top of the courtroom spiral staircase stands

I assumed it was the water heater.

I know what you did last midnight.

Well, even Bernie has commented already. News spreads fast when something like this happens. I'm not that familiar with how print media operates, but I would be willing to bet that there is someone who checks for a facebook page as soon as the identity is revealed.

My comment is hardly political. And if his facebook page says something, and they report it, he would be the one responsible for politicizing it.

" Bruce’s mother, Martha Kane… " WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME!

So ve it.

Yes. Yes I am.

My comment was not meant to blame Jimmy. Simply driving her to her meetings would have given her time to get some sleep. I'm surprised she didn't ask him.