
After seeing the remakes of Total Recall and Robocop, what makes you think anyone in Hollywood has that kind of vision?

My thoughts exactly. Getting larger budgets has ruined many a director.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of the funniest movies ever and they spent about 163 dollars on it.

You used logic and tried to give the viewpoint of all sides. Not gonna fly here.

You've got to admit, "Stranglehold" is a pretty rocking tune.

He based the character on Margaret Sanger? So Wonder Woman practices eugenics and promotes birth control to keep the black population small?

Everybody should know that being able to make snow and shoot cold rays is far more powerful than moving so fast you travel through time or can dimension jump.

Yeah, I looked but couldn't find any other reference to it anywhere. It would be a good story, if true.

John Ford mainstay Ward Bond passed away while starring in Wagon Train. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but the story goes he died shortly after telling his friend, John Wayne - who was considering starring in Gunsmoke - not to do TV as the workload was a killer.

Has it been established that she's exclusively gay? Perhaps, like Sarah, she doesn't mind the occasional game of "Hide The Sausage."

Right here!

I hear a lot of shitty ideas for movies and TV shows on the A.V. club, but this is not one of them.

Too soon? I think not.

Russell Crowe: "The very essence of evil calls to you now."
Tom Cruise's Personal Assistant: "Tom, there's a call from David Miscavige on line 1."

Because after the field agents were killed in the Chunnel explosion, IA subpoenaed their laptops and found a tweet expressly delineating the whereabouts of said dossier.

Those may be going, but we'll always have Spam.

It was an obvious joke. Seacrest's smug expression gives it away.

Was that a trailer for Seal Team or the first episode?

You've inadvertently given away the jaw dropping secret that's going to make drivers in Reno, Nevada go insane: Trump has revealed state secrets to PWR BTTM! Edit. Spam actually tastes really good. You should go out and by some. Now!

I don't understand the headline of this article: where's Trump?