
Are you the Scrappybilly from the 9th circuit farting case? That Scrappybilly?

I don't like dramedy's. Comama's on the other hand…

Because of your love for Trania?

No one's catching anything while he's around.

Kirk wins for the Corbomite Maneuver alone.

Kind of off topic, but when people talk about how hot she is, I always think of her in Lonesome Dove, sitting at a campfire wearing a pair of men's long underwear, and looking so good it made it hard to breathe. She looked sexy as hell, IN A PAIR OF MEN'S LONG UNDERWEAR!

All the scenes in The Avengers where the team travels back in time and meets Martha Washington "The Mother Of Our Country" unfortunately ended up on the cutting room floor.

The puppy stomping scene from Suicide Circle.

Some things you may have missed: when Lundgren's character captured Ollie, he said that he was going to miss his ride, the one coming in two days. He obviously was on the island longer than he expected to be. And Chase isn't acting alone, he is acting in concert with Talia and presumably, the resurrected League Of

Yeah, what's he doing being afraid of something happening again that resulted in the horrible deaths of several thousand people?

A discussion about both sides of an issue is exactly what this country needs right now.

I think you missed the point. He recruited the island's Japanese - Americans to try and help him take over. That gave them the impression that any Japanese could do the same if he made it to the American mainland.

What's the problem? A set of fake teeth and some dark face makeup and they would look quite a bit alike.

She is 13 and has a pierced belly button. When is mom going to take her for her first "Tramp Stamp?"

Jessica Lucas is too beautiful. I can't take my eyes off of her when she's on screen.

Neil Marshall is a great action director. Watch Centurion if you want proof.

The lawyer in Caine was Jose Ferrer.

Christina (Cloris Leachman) dies early in Kiss Me Deadly. The woman he pursues is Lily Carver.

Damn, you hit on the action movie trifecta: Alien vs. Predator vs. Gymkata: The Gymening

If you can't fridge a woman, how are you supposed to keep her fresh?