
Hey, he didn't kill them. He just didn't save them.

Abandoned his wife and kids when he hit the big time. Fuck this guy.

The only good way to end this is have the ship arrive at its final destination which reveals that they have been traveling to a little planet called Earth! Or it could all be a dream!

It's like those commercials from a few years ago where every yuppie striking out on his own was going to open a restaurant - but only because they weren't talented enough to be pro baseball players.

Well, they did sort of save the lives of a train car full of foreigners, so you guys should be O.K. with this. Right?

Dr. No should have ten power rings. Now that would be cool.

She sounds like a good person and a good friend.

The woman who starred in Trog thought that TV was beneath her?

In O'Reilly's defense, she is very attractive.

In South America, the band is known as "Maize."

Strike Back was a good show and she was very good in it. Nothing to be ashamed of there.

He really is a solid pro. Kurt Bunker (from Banshee) and Ward Meachum couldn't be more different characters, and he nails them both.

It didn't seem like the author was familiar with those movies.

It's important that the review described the loathsome Dax Shepherd as "Nice, if kind of goofy" instead of more accurate words such as "Untalented, Unfunny, and Unappealing."

But I'm right here! I've been here all the time!


I didn't see that one, but I'm pretty sure the one with the fighting robots was 1964's "The Time Travelers," starring Steve Franken and Forrie Ackerman.

Yeah. Unsure about this one. And Patton Oswalt is playing it way too over the top.

I don't know what you were watching, but I thought the Spider Lady was very sexy. Very.

They should have had Ray and Amaya speak up in Mick's defense, only to be shut down by the others.