
They should have had Ray and Amaya speak up in Mick's defense, only to be shut down by the others.

I'm surprised he didn't complain about the whole "Jesus being real" thing.

I agree with you. It seemed that both JJ and LC had their protagonists walking aimlessly for half of every episode.

Someone above mentioned her legs. That's a large part of it.

"How ugly this child actor has gotten is simply jaw-dropping!"

My favorite part of this complaint is how the hell does anyone know what an ancient Egyptian sounded like? Perhaps it was almost a dead ringer for a Scottish brogue.

The Drunken Kung Fu guy was fantastic. And the "Karaoke Killer" was pretty good too.

"You're off your case, you stupid chief!"

Do you honestly believe that the writer of the article is a Trump supporter? And Mexican people do make their own cheese and sell it. Perhaps that's what he meant?

"Somebody who actively has a need to "save" people is a) patronising them and b) probably ought to focus more on their own issues."
Unless he's a street smart fish out of water that doesn't play by the rules going up against a gang of tough hombres who've taken hostages.

I didn't get the "moderation" thing either. Far less offensive than many other posts on this site. Did anybody really expect insightful writing from a Vogue piece?

Yes, because interdimensional warrior monks are known for their nurturing skills and warm personalities. Seriously, his PTSD is addressed in later episodes.

Bingo. The best part of this show (I'm through episode 9) is there are characters of all nationalities and race is never mentioned.

I binge watched 9 episodes today and loved it. To each his own I guess.

My theory is that Chase's wife is not dead, and Ollie knows how to break out of his shackles. This is his attempt to learn what's really going on so he can get the jump on Chase and Talia and then he'll be the one who is "Ten Steps ahead."

He paid, what, 25% of his earnings in taxes, which is probably a higher tax rate than anyone here. Hardly "Gaming the system."

The best part of Mick's intro was him saying "Call us legends," and they show Ray's little rock people diorama.

They didn't let "Captain Crewcut" die. He went down there before any one else could, and locked Nate out.

It's the one time where Mick seemed taken aback.

Season 2 of Arrow really had an almost apocalyptic vibe. You knew that Oliver would defeat Slade, but the writers did a great job in making it seem that they were always on the brink of death and defeat.