
Jessica Jones to me is what Iron Fist is to most of you. Morose, without clearly defined super powers, a real fly in the ointment. Also, her constant 'I need a drink" references are tired and banal.

My vote goes to Hot Fuzz for the best action movie of 2007.

What is Taken's connection to the war on terror? He is trying to rescue his daughter from Eastern European gangsters. True, she is eventually sold to a sheik, but her auctioneers are all white and they show people of many races participating in the auction. Not every modern action movie is about terrorists.

I directed the Imag (Image Magnification) for the big screens. I did not get to meet him but worked closely that day with people who did. They barely got to see him. His daughter pretty much ran everything, and mostly kept him sequestered until the show. They hustled him off quickly afterwards. This was shortly after

They will be the re-christened the Trump Brothers.

I was wondering when you'd shoehorn in a Trump reference and bam, there it was, in the second to last paragraph. Great job, AV Club!

Anti-Trumpers will win the comedy wars. Soon all comedy will be anti-Trump.

That would have left Divine open for being sued by every Mexican convenience store clerk.

But then Annie Lennox says "Abort! Abort!" so there's no problem.

"That's Armageddon" was heartfelt and life affirming. "I could no more leave her than I could leave myself!? Beautiful, just beautiful.

Jehovah's Witnesses deserve what they get for coming to my door and bothering me.

Touche, sir! Point well made!

"How else am I supposed to make badly photoshopped pics?" Uhh, Photoshop, maybe?

Judging from the header picture, black people aren't concerned about climate change?

Charlie Sheen and Whoopie Goldberg? Weren't Casper Van Dien and Liza Minnelli available?

Nothing says "The Future" like a 35 year old Rush song.

Trump wasn't around so you probably wouldn't have heard about it here.

I think they should have a contest where the winner gets to appear on the show and slap Zack around. That would be great.

The look of the zombies comes straight out of a John Carradine/Agar sci-fi movie called Invisible Invaders.

So the man who made it a point in his movies to complain about the rich drove a Mercedes? Seems about right.