
Maybe Rip should handle the Waverider stuff, and Sara should captain the combat missions. That seems to be their strengths.

Flash powers don't work in space? I must have missed that part. I thought he couldn't use them because, stuck in that tiny capsule, he would have no chance against a time wraith.

"My co-parent, Jen…" What a romantic!

You leave Robert Denby alone!

I'm not a rabid fanboy, but I do like the character, and the reviews for this show hurt me deeply. It was like getting hit with some kind of super powered fist!


I would like to see a book on his "Apocalypse Trilogy" movies - Planet Of The Apes, The Omega Man, and Soylent Green, where at the time he was widely praised for making films that reflected his concerns about nuclear and germ warfare and overpopulation. And how about a little credit for his efforts on behalf of Welles

I like the 170 degree turn.

You're right, you didn't imply it. You straight out said it. Maybe you are the one who should lighten up.

Or perhaps she loves and cares about her husband, is mortified that this happened on her watch, and is terrified that he will be embarrassed on INTERNATIONAL TV. Because she loves and cares about her husband.

It's the gaffers who hold everything together.

Terrifying! Thank God nothing like this can happen in this world!

A bathroom without a toilet, no less!

What he looks like now is jaw dropping!

She tried to do an "Eskimo Roll" out of the comment, but it was more a case of her rolling right inuit.

I had the same issue buying an XLR audio cable one time. When the salesman asked if I needed help, I told him what I wanted and he then told me he had never heard of it and implied I didn't know what I was talking about. I then went two rows over and found one. He not only did not apologize, he acted as if I had

Best Buy and Radio Shack are failing for one simple reason: dumbass employees who don't know anything about computers and electronics and aren't even sure what products they sell. There is nothing more infuriating than being asked if you need help finding something only to be told "I just started and don't know where

And they were great.

Coincidentally, replicas of Joe Manganiello's original art piece "Piss Martha" will soon be available from Amazon!

When he came back with that dead iguana, I wish they would have put in a sound effect of thunder off in the distance.