
In our house, we lean forward and yell, "Shut the fuck up, Alex!"

I want to see the episode where he is stuck caring for an adorable moppet after a hit, and learns a little bit about life - and a little bit about love.

Your grandma has an audio monitor in her living room? It must make conversation a lot easier, I guess.

It was nice to see an episode about the legion of Doom and explain some of their motivations. And Dhahrhk and Merlin's bitchy catfight was pretty funny.

Nope. Here is the passage right here. "Either way, the good people of Milwaukee sort of scared off Trump."

It seems to me that Harley got scared off, not Trump.

I've yet to meet the man who has more than one plomb. Maybe Sean Connery, but who can say?

If only there were some other brand of beer to drink!

Things I noticed. Jerome calling Alfred "Old Chum," Nygma's ridiculously complicated death trap that he's so sure is going to work that he leaves before Penguin is dead, and Bullock rattling off a string of possible crime scenes, with the last one being painfully obvious the right one were straight out of the 60's

There is suffering in the world because when Adam and Eve took a bite from the apple of knowledge (?), they rejected God's will. So he banished them from Eden, and made them venture out into the cold, cruel world, where things like disease, hate, war and suffering existed. At least that's an agnostics take on it.

Gotham has gone from a show I watched because it showed promise to a show that is gloriously fulfilling said promise. They burn through plot so fast that it just gets more and more ridiculous, but they manage to pull it off.

He just needs the right script. I have a movie perfect for Affleck and his daughter. I call it "Justice Hosers."

Since Marvel eschewed his efforts, how about they get Edgar Wright?

I wonder how explicit the coprophagia aspect will be?

Being able to "Leap off the page!" sounds like a pretty cool super power to me.

Nah, everyone knows that the Irish sink like a stone in water. They're full of potatoes and whiskey.

You see! My plan WAS crazy enough to work!

Yes. Yes I do.

I think that the show's titles are literal Chinese to English translations of the names of Kung Fu techniques.

This is bad news. I have no problems with the RZA as a musician or a man, but as a filmmaker he's pretty terrible.