
I never understood why people didn't take a bunch of deck chairs and lash them together to make a raft.

You are so right, and the people here are so blinded with hate for Trump that they can't see they're being played. While they're concentrating on this foolishness, he's fundamentally changing the country.

It is definitely a cheesy, illogical movie ( and Branagh wildly overacts at times) but that's part of its charm. You really do feel that there is an emotional connection between the two protagonists, though, and that's what elevates it.

A wild animal, no matter what size, can do a lot of damage, particularly one that has already demonstrated that it can skull fuck a man into a coma or rip through his chest cavity. At the very least, go in pairs so one can watch the other ones back.

The only one that has to be a lock is The Raid. One of the great action movies ever. And I can't remember what year Battle Royale came out, but it MUST be in the conversation.

For all the theorizing about why LAH failed, one that never comes up is that, to me at least, it has no action movie or comedy rhythm. Once the kid goes into the movie world the film goes completely flat. I don't know if it was the directing or the editing, but it just seems to drag. Plus, the kid was horrible.

Dead Again. Such a great movie.

Last night's episode of Supernatural was really good. The show is having a creative resurgence, the same as Arrow.

They act just like stupid teenagers in a slasher movie. For God's sake, don't split up! It makes no sense.

So when do we get "Versus vs. Uzumaki?"

So, the son of the man making a profit off of this is bad, but other people seeking a profit who had nothing to do with it at all are good. Got it.

It's part of a sound effects package, like the boing sound or sad trombone. Every time it's used, they get paid.

The exact same one.

Or he gets that football concussion syndrome thingie.

Named after a character in the 50's western, "The Charge At Feather River," Wilhelm is an army scout who gets shot in the leg with an arrow and gives out the eponymous scream. It's become something of an in joke to include it in movies ever since.

Nate's angry, finger pointing, "Stay in school!" was another highlight.

The Arrowcave isn't Guantanamo. She got the nosering from the vending machine next to the coffee cart. (Rumor has it that Kendra has been a Barista there for about 3 months.)

Let me be the first: Another star dead? Damn you, 2017!

It was the little details that made this one fun. Merlyn and Dhahrkh in the elevator with their ray guns, listening to muzak made me chuckle.

That's the team up I'd like to see. How about Ga goes to Earth-38 and ends up saving the day specifically because he doesn't have any powers? Turn it around a bit. And as I've said before, I'd like to see a scene where it's obvious that Oliver and Kara have been fooling around.