
Not to defend the man, but he's refused to take the presidential salary of $400,000. That's the opposite of greedy.

Don't forget, PBS was the driving force behind "Overdrawn At The Memory Bank."
They're history's greatest network monster!

Damning "the Night Flyer" with faint praise? It's a very good horror movie, with some scenes having a dreamlike, surreal vibe, tons of cool gore, and a great performance from MF.

Yes. Why didn't he wave his magic wand and cure AIDS? God knows the people spreading it weren't responsible.

I don't know how many times I've been driving through cow country and heard some shitkicker blasting NPR on his radio.

You know what this film needed? Some shitty, dog dunkin' CGI.

In the book at least, Buffalo Bill is rejected from gender reassignment surgery because he is not truly a transsexual. So your friends are operating from a logical fallacy.

“I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan.” - Margaret Sanger

This is the second MST3K related comment on this thread, so that means that most of us will probably see this on MST3K.

This show is fun, with the best villains (Penguin, Nygma, Zsasz, et. al) on TV. Why anyone looks for deeper meaning or even logic from a show about a town that is full of crazy people who come back from the dead is beyond me.

Agreed. the concept was pretty far out, but the wife and I were on the edge of our seats during the whole episode. I guess "Willing suspension of disbelief" is too uncool for this crowd.

Grigoriy Rasputin was thought to be able to mesmerize people with words. So was Jim Jones. Look at the two "Slenderman" girls who tried to kill their friend due to an internet meme. Whole countries have been mesmerized by a charismatic speaker (See Germany, Nazi.) And it's not the first time it's been done on TV. The

OK, let's not go crazy and start slamming "Gymkata."

I still think Nat Zang would have made the perfect Jughead.

I don't know about you, but I want the armored bear with a minigun on our side!

The definition or irony: Saying the playoffs can't get any worse above a picture of a KC Chef.

About as successful as Moira Queen's swimming pool initiative.

Until the stadium is built, the Chargers will be playing in a 30 thousand seat college stadium. So, half full.

"Remember Sammy Baugh."

This is the best idea I've heard all season. If the NFL would do this, injuries from spearing would go waaayyy down.