
Nobody else on that team besides Khalil Mack stepped up. That's what bothers me.

I attended a showing of the original evil dead with BC and he pointed out some of the simple tricks they used to get creative shots. One had a car parked on an angled piece of wood so the right wheel was about a foot off the ground. They also tilted the camera to match the angle of the car. When the people stepped

The most jarring part to me wasn't the CGI, but that the actor who did his voice didn't sound like him at all. Cushing was a lot like Vinnie Price and Chris Lee. A large part of his charm is tied to the voice.

My thoughts exactly. The action set pieces in 2 are more ambitious, (That car chase, Hammer Girl and Baseball Bat boy, the prison mud fight scene, and that awesome car chase! - Yes, I mentioned the car chase twice, it's that good) but there are long stretches where nothing much happens. Part of the charm of the

Agreed. I'm a Raiders fan and a lot of Derek Carr's success this season was due to the Offensive Line.

You're worse than Hitler, you milk drinker you!

In "A Clockwork Orange" the milk has drugs in it: Drencrom, Synthemesc or Vellocet. Hardly a symbol of purity.

Watson had a bull pup in "A Study In Scarlet," who was never mentioned again and was quickly forgotten. And what is a child if not a small bull pup?

It was O.K. for Peter Cushing because he's been dead for over a quarter of a century, but it's different with Carrie Fisher, Because it's - you guessed it - too soon.

Does it have to be way under done like the one in the video or can I cook it all the way through and avoid the E. Coli?

"Challenge Accepted!" - Hollywood

I always just wanted him to hold his hands up in front of his face and occasionally take a punch on the gloves


No, 52 is the number of pounds she weighs.

They should get the guy from the McDonald's commercials who looks like a young James Lipton, and have the Legends save a young James Lipton.

This comment is better than that tired and banal, "Screw you, 2016," that people seem required to make.

I worked a show she did at a local casino a few years ago, and for a woman her age, she put out an incredible amount of energy, singing, dancing and telling jokes for 90 minutes. She was an old school entertainer and that's about the highest compliment you can get.

A true performer. Always trying to upstage everyone else.

As the article stated, this one was printing money at a much slower place than the last one. Perhaps the boycott is working, yes?

Which is the one with the big tits? I would like to see a spin off where she moves out and turns to stripping to support herself. We could call it "Fuller Blouse."