
What?! "Home Alone" is not an accurate depiction of a child's defense against a home invasion!? Next you're going to be telling me that Oliver Queen's parachute arrows are not a very good way to save yourself from an explosion!

It HAS worked, but only if there is less than 15 seconds left and the offense is on its own 20.

As a longtime Raiders fan, I can attest that it takes a few years to rebuild a roster this screwed up.

He looks like the bully from "A Christmas Story."

I'm a little late to the party, but I just watched it tonight and found it so much more emotional and well thought out than any English language horror movie in years. I mean, they heap praise on Hush, which is a fine movie, but nothing original or creative.

Maybe she was just quoting her mother?

Bravo! You hit why this show is so much more fun to watch than TWD. It seems there is something always happening, nonsensical or not, on this show. And the characters are so much better. Z Nation may be goofy, but it is goofy fun.

I'm surprised there isn't a porn version of Stranger Things yet. Suggested title: Dangling Things.

Saturday night I saw Blue Oyster Cult at Harrah's in Lake Tahoe. Two of the band members missed their flight so it was the two original members (Eric Bloom & Buck Dharma) with their drummer. Instead of cancelling, they did an impromptu acoustic set, introducing each song with an anecdote about what - or who -

Two super powered vigilante's are fighting to the death, with one about to kill the other, who then bond and become instant friends over the fact that their mother's have the same name. It's a silly thing to hinge your plot on. That's my issue with it.

I posted the same thing on another article. Way to go, Alex!

Be sure not to miss tonight's Jeopardy!, where Alex tells terminally ill Cindy, who was in third place after Double Jeopardy!, "And Cindy, our champion, is still alive!" (Thankfully she won)

I just rewatched "Tucker and Dale vs. Evil," and yes, they are quite striking.

How do know this was all Tapert's decision? I'm sure if Raimi and Campbell felt that he was going too far, they could have reined him in a bit. Perhaps Tapert is the designated bad guy of the trio, whose job it is to get his hands dirty, and take the blame if some disgruntled employee wants to complain in an interview.

Edward Norton turned into John Cusak so slowly I never even noticed!

"Hit her pretty hard there, Rick" - Fred Murtz

Back atcha. But in all reality, I did love his Gotham character.

The problem is that the reviewer left out the subplot about the talking pie. It would all make sense then.

But some men are fjords

I'm glad you could sandwich it in here.