
Don't forget Heatwave!

Maybe, but he was mega superb as (The Other) Dr. Strange.

B.D. Wong should have been included for Gotham - Not Mr. robot.

His motivation may have just been that he found her attractive and wanted to sleep with her.

Did you see the movie? The main villain has a good reason for wanting revenge. His being Middle Eastern has little to do with it other than making him ripe for a drone strike. If anything, the western powers come across as reckless and uncaring of collateral damage.

I don't see the love for Hush. A fine movie, but nothing remarkable about it at all. I think Don't Breathe was much better, and I hate the Evil Dead remake, so I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised.

Yeah, making eachother one word is pretty innovative.

Not so much bad as disappointing. The "Martha" revelation is enough to drag it down a letter grade or two.

Now if the rap would have been Rourke's monologue from the first Expendables movie, that would have been awesome.

Yeah. If the villains had been White Supremacists instead of Muslims, this movie probably wouldn't be on this list.

I watched London Has Fallen on Netflix and one thing it has going for it is pacing. If you like to see things shot up, blowed up and fucked up, at a rate you haven't seen unless you've visited fuckheadistan, this is the movie for you. BvS and Suicide Squad were far worse movies.

"Taken will seize your attention beginning February 27, 2017." Touche!

Well I hope to hell it's better than that website quote.

The way he said "ONE MAN AGAINST THE RESOURCES OF AN ENTIRE CARTEL!" had me laughing out loud.

"When Cindy Stowell taped her appearance on Jeopardy!, she had Stage 4 cancer. Competing on Jeopardy! was a lifelong dream for Cindy, and we’re glad she was able to do so. Sadly, Cindy died on December 5. Our condolences and best wishes to her family and friends." - Wow. Maybe Alex could have had his interns write

What about the actress who played Kathy? Did she die too?

That Tycho. He sure has a nose for a good quote!

The whole idea of a divided country where liberals and conservatives have a civil war is ludicrous. Conservatives have most of the guns. It would be the shortest war in history.

This guy has never seen a Kiyoshi Kurosawa movie. There'd be a half dozen shots from Cure (Kyua) alone.

BLM - Bothans Lives Matter