
Or I'll tell the writers of The Flash that we need more speedster villains and time travel shenanigans!

Any Peter Cushing - even a CGI version - is always good.

Yes, and he flies around in his private jet or takes his huge diesel gulping yacht, advocating for global warming awareness without any type of science degree.
A least Kanye's not a hypocrite

What's to defend? He met with Leo DiCaprio too. How is that any less silly than this?

This really means nothing, but the wife and I visited Trump tower when we were in NY last year, and the hotel staff was exclusively African American, so he can't hate black people too much.

While I disagree with your assessment of Christmas Vacation, may I make a suggestion for an under the radar holiday movie: Better Off Dead, the John Cusak movie.

I never even heard of Krampus before that Xmas episode of 'Supernatural," now suddenly he's all over the place. What gives?

Legends Of Tomorrow better be at or near #1

Well, the actor who played Marco was Italian I think, and didn't have anything approaching an English accent.

For all your guys bullshit about how we need more diversity on TV, here was a show that was virtually all Asian and Middle Eastern actors, and all you can do is criticize. I've promoted this show to a number of friends and coworkers, and they all enjoyed it to varying degrees. And before you start talking about all

Only $7 million for Ultron?! He should be striking alongside the Fight For 15 people!

They fight with their feet and make love with their tongues, too!

"So, prison rules, eh?" - Ash

God no, please don't put anything from that terrible remake in it!

And a net hammock for her to sit in when… Well, you know.

I think you're talking to the wrong person. All I did was agree with the OP that a lot of shows lately are using the weak woman/strong man trope, thinking they are being edgy when all they are doing is jumping on a bandwagon. Look at the new Star Wars movies for an example. Apparently only a young white woman can lead

Yes. A lot of the carping on this episode seems to be that an attempt to give an underused character some agency didn't work because the character "doesn't have any agency."

I think I see his point. It's always either strong men/weak women or strong women/weak men. How about strong women/strong men for a change?

The thing I liked best about this episode was when Addy would take a punch, you would see the effect. The broken nose, black eyes, split lip - they did a great job.

Or perhaps Reverse-Flash needs the Legends for some as yet undisclosed reason. They could be innocent cogs in his super fast hamster wheel of death!