
They needed the suits to protect them from the bees!

16 minutes and he can't take the time to laud Dick Van Dyke's Cockney accent in Mary Poppins?

Yeah, but Firestorm makes up for it with the scene where Harrison Ford is falling out of the helicopter and shooting back at it.

Another great episode. Did anyone else notice that the guy in the stocks getting whipped by Barbara was, uh, looking a little less than distressed?

So Hiddleston is playing Chow Yun-Fat's character?

There's a stage version of Constantine?

As well it should!

He wouldn't run out of bullets if he didn't shoot everybody 15 times. Just sayin'

If you're dissing Hard Target, then your argument is invalid.

Man, I was hoping this anti-Trump stuff was over and we could get back to talking about important things, like complaining about Matt Damon starring in that Chinese movie and Iron Fist being white!

Thank you. It really felt like more of a clumsy way of connecting personally than anything else. I have Jewish friends and co-workers and I am always asking their opinions on what they think of Jesus and questioning them about aspects of their religion. I'm not being condescending; I'm genuinely interested.

Then why bring it up?

I was hoping that Thea and Lance would have an affair so we could see her in lingerie, because…, because…, it would be good for ratings!

Lance is drinking because Laurel died and no one would save her. He already told Sara that he was proud of her for protecting the time stream, and can look forward to seeing her again, so why would that drive him to drink?

Maybe Oliver recognized that quote from the Torah because he had heard or read it before? Or maybe Rory had used it previously? Don't look for controversy where none exists.

If you want to get really offended, read Farnham's Freehold.

Screw this book. They should make a movie of "The Door Into Summer."

Maybe it's a world where people wear shoes on their hands and hamburgers eat people!

If you were not charmed by the mayoral portrait of Penguin with Nygma standing hopefully in the back, you have a heart of stone.
PS. You also forgot Harvey's incredulous: "I was gone for, like, an hour!"

Yeah, sarcasm is kind of lost on this crew…