
you dodged a bullet there, my friend!

The fact that it came in the middle of "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" made it doubly mysterious.

"Lady Brains" are for cooking and cleaning, not doing comedy. Women are simply not funny; it's a proven fact, just Google it. On a brighter note, is "Mike Tyson's Mysteries" - written by men - coming back?

Until Shatner gets his statue, I declare these awards invalid!

You have the star of your multi-million dollar movie introduce the trailer and you record her voice with a $30 shotgun mic? For shame.

Perhaps this is a separate branch on the time stream, the same one they visited last year when GA had just one arm and there was a "Smoak Technologies."

They tried a reboot of "Time Tunnel" a few years ago, but it didn't get past the pilot. One of the conceits of the show was when a character who had traveled back in time and made a change, came home to find out that his wife no longer existed. It's too bad the show didn't get picked up; the consequences of changing

Settle down, Lee Harvey. The First Amendment is going to be just fine.

"And lastly (and I swear if I have to explain this again, I will cry) the First Amendment ONLY APPLIES TO THE GOVERNMENT." Thank you for this. It seems that the only people who ever quote the Constitution have obviously never read it.

So, Downsizing? Is this that gritty reboot of The Incredible Shrinking Man we've all been waiting for?

It's O.K., the Mexican Immigration site is up and running just fine.

This election is not about Trump, Obama or Sanders. It's about what a horrible candidate Hillary Clinton is.


I unironically love this show. And unironically isn't even a real word!

Will Marvel ever tire of the "Reluctant Hero" trope?

But they showed the bullets coming out his back in the same trajectory they went in. How did he work that one?

Not until you get off of my lawn!

Dean Winchester ate it.

All I can remember about Deadpool is: Morena Bacarin (sp?) is smoking hot, there was a lot of cursing, and the teenage mutant girl who could explode was the best thing about the movie.

So what you're saying is that Costner = Liberal = Drunk, ill informed chucklehead with a voter fraud committing daughter?