
Uh, sorry to disappoint you, but the Beijing Olympics was the first (and so far, only) Barista competition they ever had, with second place being taken by the guy who runs the coffee cart in front of Trump Tower, and first place won by that one girl from Starbucks who is always so nice.

Uh, sorry to disappoint you, but the Beijing Olympics was the first (and so far, only) Barista competition they ever had, with second place being taken by the guy who runs the coffee cart in front of Trump Tower, and first place won by that one girl from Starbucks who is always so nice.

This stuff drives me crazy. There are plenty of people in the U.S. with accents. I'd rather hear him speak with a British accent than one of those generic "American" ones.

The Jaunt is the King story that always scared me. Something about the concept is just terrifying.

I was wondering about her being pregnant also. That outfit she was in was ridiculous. Stevie Nicks by way of Rosie O'Donnell.

This man is a national treasure!

Ever since this show has stopped trying to say something "meaningful' its become a heck of a lot of fun.

My endorsement of the book 'Menstruation - It's Cause And Cure" haunts me to this day.

I'm sure as soon as he found out, he cut a check for his fee - minus expenses - and sent it back to them along with a strongly worded denunciation of the product, company and actor deceiving advertising tactics.

I agree. And though there seem to be some who think this is a weak season, I am enjoying it more than the back half of last season. This episode aside, I think they have downplayed the silliness to just the right point. It was hardly original, but black Elvis' use of song titles in his conversation had me chuckling.

John Wick invalidates the invalidation

It's a shame they've gotten away from using Thea as a fighter. Last year's fight between her and Andy Diggle where they fought in and out of an elevator was the best of the season

It's O.K. Relax. You're just experiencing your own personal "Flashpoint."

It seems like a "Dark & Gritty" reboot is in order! Is one of the Peanuts characters mothers named Martha?

It was the Jewes!

I don't know who wrote this article, but whoever he is, he sure talks gloomy!

10K is this show's Darryl Dixon - one who occasionally bathes. Good episode.

Also, there was:
1. Ollie pointing out the screen that showed Mick in stasis after being asked how he knew.
2. The parchment with Ray being either christened or executed.
3. Any scene where the atom is walking or flying around while small.
4. The actor who played Einstein as Inspector Clouseau.
5. The way everyone kept

Maybe he's thinking of how Rip told the original Legends that he would bring them back to the exact time they left but instead brought them back 6 months later.

It would add verisimilitude if Sara were to mention the lack of cleanliness among the Renaissance French and the people of Salem.
When she was with the queen, all I could think of was that there was a French King who only bathed once his entire life.