
This sounds like a lot of fun!

I can honestly say that dropped my jaw.

What that baby looks like now is jaw-dropping!

"You broke THAT jaw?" - Kurt Russell, Tango and Cash.

It was kind of odd seeing twenty people at the statue's dedication, and maybe 25 or 30 at a major press conference. Couldn't they have advertised for some unpaid extra's?

Who is Danny Rand? the John Galt of mystical kung fu fighters, that's who!

Since most of the people involved with this are black, and Iron Fist uses a form of Chinese martial arts, Asian people should predominate on the Iron
Fist crew. Anything less would be racist towards Asians

This show is pretty good, but when do we get to the fireworks factory? The fight scenes seem perfunctory.

I found little to disagree about with the review, but I greatly enjoyed this episode. The cast has really jelled, Hector is a lot more fun than Vasquez, I love the Citizen Z story line, Murphy is being set up as a great antagonist and walking back last seasons weirdness a bit and getting more serious is working well.

His theory is that "If there's grass on the field, play ball!"

That music gave me an idea. Kara should be mad at Supes because they raced one time, he got a head start and beat her, and she never got over it. So now, years later, they decide to race again. Hilarity ensues.

Zounds! I wish this would stop!

Bratva! Lundgren! Salmon Ladder! This looks like a return to form.

As soon as a storm in England knocks a phone line onto H.G. Welles grave, he'll be on the telephone to his lawyer. (I hope Twilight Zone doesn't sue me for this comment.)

Shhh. Your comment doesn't fit the "White racist" narrative of the other commentators.

You're not alone. I was surprised to find out the other day that I was looking forward to the latest episode.

Can't these misfits just try to get along?

I couldn't remember at all, so I went back and checked. He did a "Fragile Frankie" Merman and ran off into the woods - presumably to dig a hole.

Only time will tell if their act pulls in as many tourists as Britney Spears.

Upvoted for remembering "Handsome Dick" Manitoba.